Bumper stickers?

Oct 16, 2010 04:07

Because I have horrible insomnia, I designed this (highly awesome) 1BRUCE1 bumper sticker:

I figured that since the real thing is taken, a bumper sticker is the next best thing.  But wait, there's more!  I also found this website where I can get 50 3"x5" stickers for $55.21. If enough of you guys are interested, I'll place the order, and all you have to do is pay $1 plus shipping.  That is an awesome deal.  Thus:

Poll if enough of you are interested, we can move forward from there...I've never done anything like this before, so if anyone has suggestions of how to work it...I have a paypal? Let me know.

bumper stickers, poll, non-book recap, recapper: loveisrevenge

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