Sweet Valley Senior Year #18 - As if I Care

Oct 11, 2010 16:32

Another book that has already been recapped,
We start with the senior year diary entries where Conner is sick of all women, Jeremy whines that women like mystery and he’s predictable, Ken is sick of how his Dad treats women, and Andy has decided that he’s over women completely.

I’m going to deal with the plots in the order they appear in the book.

Conner is hung over. He kissed Tia last night. He’s dreading her lecture before she turns tail and runs and tells Liz. Luckily for him, she hasn’t talked to Liz yet. Tia tries to corner him during the day, but he puts her off. Conner mopes the rest of the day, though he does realize at one point Andy looks down. He decides it isn’t as important as how he’s feeling. Enid reads a haiku in creative writing about frogs. You know, if she wrote it about whales, Todd might ask her out. After school, Conner is actually friendly to Liz while shutting out everyone else. The next day after school, he takes Liz for a drive. He realizes being with his girlfriend can’t relax him like the booze can; of course he is dating Liz. Liz tells him that she loves him, is sorry for freaking out about Tia, and wants everyone to still be friends. All of this doesn’t reassure Conner, of course if it did he couldn’t act emo, which as far as I can tell is the one personality characteristic he has. Conner wants to have fun on Friday night, but everyone else is busy or wants him to do something that doesn’t appeal to emo boy. He decides finishing off a bottle of vodka would serve them all for not being at his beck and call. Tia comes over. Conner explains that neither he nor any guy could actually be interested in her. Harsh, but she annoys me, so it’s okay. After she runs out crying, he goes to find another bottle. Unfortunately, there are none left.

Jessica realizes that Jade can dress like a freak, and guys will still think she’s hot. Jessica doesn’t like that. Jade pretends to care whether or not Jessica is okay with her dating Jeremy. It’s pretty clear though she’s the girl who whines about not having any female friends but ditches them anytime a male is around. At cheerleading practice, Jessica hopes to exercise her problems away. Jade rubs her face into the fact that she’s hoping Jeremy will ask her out. Lila comes in and remembers she’s Jessica’s friend and is supportive. Jeremy is probably trying to make Jessica jealous, after all who wouldn’t want to date the fabulous Lila or fabulous Jessica.
Meanwhile at Big Mesa, Jeremy gets his friends’ go ahead to ask Jade out. They point out how way to predictable he is. At work, he manages to ask Jade out for Friday. Genius boy then decides to check to see if they are both off that night. Wouldn’t that have been a good idea to do first? Jade’s working, but she assures him she’ll work it out. At work the next day, Jessica flirts with all the boys. It freaks Jeremy out. I worry that Jessica in a coma during the earthquake and woke up acting like Liz. I think the previous series in 2nd, 6th, 7th, 8th and 11th grade pretty much established that Jessica likes to flirt.
Jessica goes nuts at work when Jade doesn’t show up. Meanwhile on the Big Date, Jade is telling Jeremy what dorks they work with. Jeremy thinks how cool she is. I think genius boy should wonder what she calls him behind his back. Jade decides to follow dinner up with getting her belly button pierced. Aren’t you supposed to have parental permission if you under 18? I’m not sure how this happens or why either of them think this is cool to do on a date. Jade then decides they should go to HOJ. I’m wondering why she wants to be fired on the spot as she’s supposed to be sick. Jade tells Jessica she can’t be mad because she’s sure Jessica has called in sick herself before. Jessica, though, is smart enough not to then go to her place of work. Jeremy feels guilty because Jessica had called off sick to spend time with him. I’m thinking he should realize that he needs to back away from the bitch. Jeremy promises Jessica that after he drinks his coffee and drives Jade home, he will be back to help. Wow, great guy! How many hours will that be? Jade pouts all the way home, but gives him a big kiss before he goes back to help Jessica. Does she actually like Jeremy or is she just trying to one up Jessica?

Andy wants to talk to Tia about coming out. She cuts him off and talks about kissing Conner.
Andy wants to talk to Conner about coming out. Conner is more interested in getting rid of his hangover.
Andy wants to check out a website for gay teens. Liz messages him and is more interested in talking about Conner. (Am I the only one thinking that maybe if they just got rid of Conner then Andy & everyone else’s life would be simpler?)
On Friday, Conner stops by the Burger Barn on the way home from school. It doesn’t advance the plot, but I wanted to mention it, so we could have a moment of silence for the Dairi Burger. He decides to stop and talk to Andy since he noticed Andy looks as bad as he feels. Andy tries to get him to hang out with him that evening. Conner says he’s to wired to actually talk to Andy.
Ken calls Andy to whine about his Dad. Midway through, he realizes that Andy isn’t into the conversation. Ken offers to listen to Andy, but Andy tells him that he has to talk to the people who have ignored him all week.
On Saturday, Andy meets everyone at HOJ. They all again begin to talk about their problem. Finally, he just announces that he is gay and enjoys the silence.

Ken drives home hoping his Dad won’t hassle him about being the second string quarterback. I mean it’s not like Ken’s had more on his mind than football: going blind, getting his sight back, his girlfriend dying, his parents’ divorce (check it out, but I’m pretty sure his parents were together during “That Fatal Night”), no big deal to a Sweet Valley teen. He gets told to get lost once he gets home by Faye, the woman his Dad is cheating on his girlfriend with. I think his father may win a Sweet Valley bad parenting award. The next day when he arrives home, Faye is leaving a message on the machine. Ken thinks his Dad would be better off without the witch so he erases the message. IDK, Ken, she sounds like a good match for him.
Friday, Ken is spending the evening channel surfing when Asha shows up to cook a romantic dinner for his Dad. Mr. Matthews is out on a date and leaves Ken to break up with Asha for him. After talking to Andy, he confronts his father. His Dad knows about the erased message and tells him that by quitting football he has no right to comment on anyone else’s life. I mean it’s not like Ken hasn’t had a lot to deal with in the past year, right Mr. Matthews?

Lastly, there is a small poster of Don Philip included in the book. I have no idea who he is.

conner mcdermott, ken matthews, enid, senior year, miss lila fowler, recapper: gojl5567, connor iz drunk, , jade wu, underage drinking

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