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kakeochi_umai December 26 2008, 08:37:49 UTC
Clearly Sam wouldn’t approve of me, who doesn’t care at all about learning to drive. Big deal. Public transport is cheap when you’re a student. A car is not.

While I agree absolutely 100% (and still don't drive 4 years after graduating from uni), it's...a cross-country race in RVs. If you're going to enter an RV race, one would think that knowing how to drive one would help just a tad. So, no sympathy for Charlie.

“say it to the hand ‘cause the ears ain’t listening”

I've always been fond of this saying. It makes me think of my friend's brother saying "Talk to the butt, cause the hand ain't listening." (Though it also reminds me of this awful song by Daphne and Celeste about stealing someone's boyfriend that may even be worse than Advil Latrine's heinous Girlfriend video.)

Charlie still maintains that it’s dangerous, and they could die. WHY IS SHE EVEN ON A ROAD TRIP SPONSERED BY AN EXTREME SPORTS CHANNEL?

Entertainment for the viewers! Though it'd be funnier if she'd previously given a soundbite saying "Fear is a complete waste of emotions and time." (4:22, then from 6:25)

I’m sure that the Swedes don’t just eat herring.

I would actually believe that they eat it a lot, or at least that some do. There used to be this Swedish guy on a forum I went to who was constantly going on about herring (he was kind of bonkers in general, though, at least online. He liked talking about tentacle porn too.)

Is this an American thing? Over here, as soon as you hit eighteen you’re an adult; your parents might have an opinion but they can’t control you.

Yeah, but in Sweet Valley their parents pay for their uni fees, accommodation costs etc, so I can see how they might be loathe to piss them off.

Jessica Wakefield has been left, stranded in Wonderlust, South Dakota.

My brain just went "Stranded at the drive-in karaoke bar/Branded a fool/What will they say/Monday at school..."


xbexuniquex December 27 2008, 21:37:33 UTC
it's...a cross-country race in RVs. If you're going to enter an RV race, one would think that knowing how to drive one would help just a tad. So, no sympathy for Charlie.

Good point. I so should not have written this recap at 1am and then not proof-read it. Clearly Charlie was only thinking about her boyfriend when she signed up for this trip. She can't drive and hates exteme sports...on an extreme sports road trip? Mhm.

Though it also reminds me of this awful song by Daphne and Celeste about stealing someone's boyfriend that may even be worse than Advil Latrine's heinous Girlfriend video.

Wow, that may actually be worse than the Avril song. I didn't even think that was possible. That saying always makes me think of some crappy British "teen" programme which was on every Saturday morning. They'd get some British celeb on to the show and ask them awkward questions, and they could only ever say "Talk to the hand 'cause the face ain't listening" once. Oh, and they had a giant yellow foam hand to use when they said this phrase. Those people must have been desperate for publicity.

Though it'd be funnier if she'd previously given a soundbite saying "Fear is a complete waste of emotions and time." (4:22, then from 6:25)

Thanks for the laugh! :)

I would actually believe that they eat it a lot, or at least that some do. There used to be this Swedish guy on a forum I went to who was constantly going on about herring (he was kind of bonkers in general, though, at least online. He liked talking about tentacle porn too.)

I dunno...I'm still not completely ready to believe that Swedes eat herring three times a day. That's like saying that Germans eat sausage three times a day. And um, your Swedish friend sounds awesome :P

Yeah, but in Sweet Valley their parents pay for their uni fees, accommodation costs etc, so I can see how they might be loathe to piss them off.

What horrible parents. "I don't like your boyfriend. If you marry him, I won't pay for your accomodation any more. Haha!" Then again...this is Sweet Valley, Home to Bad Parenting. Spiteful Parenting can't be too far removed from that.


kakeochi_umai December 27 2008, 23:25:41 UTC
I was going through my blog for this year-in-review meme I was doing and came across this exchange between my Swedish friend and this bot someone found:

ALICE: What's your favorite movie?
Human: deep throat
ALICE: Are you a man or woman?
Human: a goat
ALICE: Be more specific.
Human: a brown goat
ALICE: Be more specific.
Human: a brown goat with horns
ALICE: Go on.
Human: and I like herring
ALICE: You are not the only one. No, I don't care for it.
Human: you should try herring
ALICE: I will mention that to my botmaster.
Human: and tentacle sex
ALICE: it is more fun alone.


irinaauthor January 11 2009, 15:35:24 UTC
What horrible parents. "I don't like your boyfriend. If you marry him, I won't pay for your accomodation any more. Haha!" Then again...this is Sweet Valley, Home to Bad Parenting. Spiteful Parenting can't be too far removed from that.

I can see the merit, though. If you're old enough to get married, you're old enough to support yourself.

I hate Sam. But I loved your recap!


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