1bruce1! We're at nearly 1,000 Watched By members, and I realized I hadn't done a welcome post in quite a while. So welcome! I'm
irinaauthor, one of your mods.
strangerface is the other. You can contact us anytime you have a question.
All members can make and reply to posts, so jump in anytime. All we ask, beyond the normal spelling and grammar check, is that you not split a recap into multiple posts unless it's a super edition book.
You can always see a running list of which books have been recapped on our
profile page, if you'd like to read the recaps in number order.
Also, we have a
request post where you can ask for books you'd like to see written up. If you have a bunch of Sweet Valley books and can't decide which one to recap, the request post could help you narrow it down.
If you're working on a recap, please give people a heads up
here. It's okay if more than one person is recapping the same book; this is just so everybody knows what's in the pipeline. It's completely okay if we have more than one recap of a book. We all know there's more than enough mockable material to go around.
These posts are also linked from the profile page, to keep things easy to find.