Well Hell...

Jul 10, 2011 20:38

Today is my 55th birthday. If that wasn't bad enough, my granddaughter really put it into perspective for me.
After a 5K walk with my girls, we met my family for lunch. The server took my order and my gbaby piped up and said "My G needs the Senior Discount today.... she's really OLD!!" My 93 yr old grandmother laughed so hard I thought we were going to have to call 911.

The least they could have done after that humiliation was deliver Gale to my table to share in our joint birthday cake!

Thank you for all the wonderful Birthday wishes and V-gifts. I feel loved by LJ!! I would have attempted the head thingys to thank you all by name but I'm OLD and I still can't remember how to do it.

Love, Bren
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