1. Leave me a comment saying something random, like the lyrics from your current favourite song, or your favourite kind of sandwich. Something random. Whatever you like.
2. I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
ladymurhadid this to me; well, here it is.
1) Why do you like the favourite pairing in your favourite fandom?
Well, I always have a different favorite fandom and a different favorite pairing within that fandom. Right now, it's Avatar: The Last Airbender and... Tyzula. (Azula is the awesome Caligulan figure; Ty Lee is her fangirl/sidekick. Their love is this side of canon.) That fandom has way too many awesome pairings.
2) Since you mentioned it, what's your favourite children's show/cartoon?
Avatar. IT'S NOT JUST FOR CHILDREN. Although I also occassionally watch PBS's digital kids' programming station. Super Why has an abundance of Narm. One of my favorite moments was when they constructed a raft using word powers, and then they dramatically got on it... several seconds of silence, then girl says "We're not moving." Off topic.
3) In a sentence of prose, what is your earliest memory?
Our old house has way too many stairs and high ceilings music note wallpaper.
4) What was the last book you read that you decreed not worth the read?
Our Secret, Siri Aang. It was a shame, too; the first two thirds had lots of good stuff in them, and then it just didn't go anywhere.
5) What do you think should be done to flamers on online blogs?
They should be taken out back and shot. Okay, just kidding. They should be slapped by the mod and talked harshly to.