Monday Blues

Jul 04, 2022 17:42

Well, it's Monday again and back to work for those of us not in America. Happy Independence Day for all our American members! I hope you're having a lovely break if you get time off work, and good weather too.

Here in my part of NZ, it's been a bit miserable today after starting out sunny on this winter's day. The forecast for the rest of the week seems to be rain, rain and more rain, which means it'll be damp and cold - the kind that gets into your bones! And as we don't have central heating here, it can get a bit depressing (we do have heat pumps and ventilation, but it doesn't really deal with the damp outside!). Anyway, I'm going to aim for being positive, even though there's a few things going on which are not helping me feel great about life right now, so let's get on with it!

I am not linking the past week's prompts, but you know where to find the tags, so check out your favourites through them if you haven't seen the posts already! Don't forget our current long challenge, which is POOL PARTY and finishes on the 15th July! You still have time to get something in!

The Flash Challenge for this week is: "Why did you change your mind NOW?" Use it how you will, give us at least 100 words/1 graphic and then pat yourself on the back for creating something! In addition, I will be pleased with you adding to our word total, if that helps you along! ;-)

If you're Big Buddying, you should be on something like 13% of your goal for the month. How are you doing with that? I hope you're managing to be better than you'd hoped!

I have no major plans to get done so far this week, although trying to convince my husband that we aren't making a mistake with the renovations we had been planning is high on the list. Other than that, it's probably just getting the rest of the Peggy squares done for the charity blanket I'm making, and then joining them together to complete the blanket. Tell us how you plan to be awesome this week, be it creatively or just getting on with things you want to get done! ;-)

Hopefully, I haven't forgotten anything! Have a creative week, everyone!

challenge: flash!, challenge: pool party, challenge: big buddy, monday: accolades

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