June Stats!

Jul 04, 2022 17:15

I gave everyone a couple of extra days to make sure as many people that could were able to update their stats, but for once I am posting before a week aftwer month end has passed!

Scroll on down...

January 31st figures:

Image word: 53 x 1,000.

Written word: 218,185 .

1_million_words Total words to date JAN 2022: 271,185


Update as at February 28th:

Image word: 172 x 1,000.

Written word: 404,958.

1_million_words Total words to date FEB 2022: 576,958


Update as at March 31st:

Image word: 344 x 1,000.

Written word: 489,885.

1_million_words Total words to date MARCH 2022: 833,885


Update as at April 30th:

Image word: 681 x 1,000.

Written word: 731,352.

1_million_words Total words to date APRIL 2022: 1,412,352


Update as at May 31st:

Image word: 1140 x 1,000.

Written word: 901,493.

1_million_words Total words to date MAY 2022: 2,041,493


Update as at June 30th:

Image word: 1233 x 1,000.

Written word: 1,035,433.

1_million_words Total words to date JUNE 2022: 2,268,433


You are all FABULOUS!!!


Huge kudos to everyone who added words in June!

And don't let's forget our Creative work so far this year! Look at the fun stuff over here! Keep up the great work! Comment in today's post here if anything there inspires you, there's nice things you want to say, or you want to discuss in any other way - I'm sure the person or people who have added their creations over there will be only too happy to discuss, explain, show off, etc, if you ask!

Don't forget everything going on at the comm that can help inspire you, including the current long challenge, Pool Party, which ends on the 15th July. You still have a couple of weeks to get something in!

So keep at it, everyone, and let's be creative out there!!! ;-)

monthly: stats posting

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