Aug 09, 2008 00:27
i'm sad...
i took raven to her well-child check-up today, and it didn't turn out as i had hoped.
dr. markham isn't concerned with her tantrums, as he says he believes it's still relatively age-related. but he does think that she is having night terrors, and that's why she awakens during the night and throws tantrums. that's nothing that i didn't already think, but it's a relief to have a doctor tell me that.
he's beginning to think that her slight lazy eye isn't going to correct itself after all. it's really not very noticeable unless you are paying close attention to when she is concentrating on something. so now we have to go to a specialist on the 27th to see what this doctor feels the next step should be. but dr. markham said it's almost inevitable that she's going to have to have either eyeglasses or an eye patch. it breaks my heart. i know it will be for her benefit (and it's not like it's surgery or anything), but i don't want my little girl in things like that. i'm just having a really hard time dealing with it... maybe i'm over-reacting, but i can't help but feel this way.