(no subject)

Feb 13, 2008 15:46

If I had boots made of gold on my feet
I'd sell them and run/hitchhike/fly
as far away as I could.
Not to escape the town or the people
or the memories...
but only in attempt to pass myself.
and be one step ahead of my mind for once.
I know this would only lead to failure
but it's nice to pretend.

Todays point is you leaving me for love.
Couples/Relationships/etc. really seem to
annoy me.
1. I hate girls that are CONSTANTLY desperate
to be with someone and feel empty without
They're right... they are worthless,
because they've chosen to have no worth.
2. When they turn into their partner.
This is the beauty of relationships, yes.
but I think people dive too deep.
Humans are so precious because we are
all so different in our ideas/habits/morals/etc
keep your own beat, because who wants to
date theirself. it sure as hell isn't the
person who feels empty by themself, right?
when you're next victim dumps you..
will you really enjoy (just an example)
japanese comic books? NO.
well, perhaps here &there. but you probably
won't have found your new passion at a comic
book convention (once again, just an example)
learning about your partners interests is
important. but only to a degree. don't steal
their passion. you have your own.. hopefully.
3. Be careful how often &who you talk shit to
about your partner. I mean it's probably
really easy to disclose your partner is a
slob &they have raunchy breathe, but did
you forget to mention they always make their bed or
that they floss? you can't really blame your
secretkeepers(er, friends) to think your
partner is a piece of shit when they only here
negative, right?
4. WHY must people leave all of their friends
the second they lure someone into dating them.
how can anyone think that is healthy!
plus, what are the friends... chopped liver?
perhaps, some friends think it's natural
to be thrown away, because they'd do the same..
what a horrible friendship.

Perhaps I am just being better because a "friend"
of mine said "hey, you wanna hang out tonight if
sdlkfjsd(the person they are dating) doesn't want
to hang out tonight?" ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS.
yeah, sure i'll be your last resort. NO.
so, i say i have plans (oddly enough, i do)
&then i said i didn't like being plan B.
and the response was that we hung out a few days ago
.... she must think i am brain dead.
we hung out a few days ago when the person
she's dating was BUSY.

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckthat, man.
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