And thus, our intrepid hero...

Jul 02, 2011 16:18

A good friend that I respect and admire (yet have never met in real life) posted an update to his LJ, which reminded me that I haven't posted to mine in awhile.

Anxiety has gone way down.
I've been able to go out to stores and places again. I also enjoy driving again. Had a good moment two Fridays ago where I had to hide under my desk at work, but other than that I've isolated all of my anxiety down to work and my bedroom mattress (not getting good sleep if I don't flip it every other week).

Work in June was mental.
Hiring is like gang busters. We've hired back almost everyone that got laid off 3 years ago, plus two more...and we're still hiring. The only unemployed people in this region seem to be those looking for factory work (China jobs). Everywhere else I see help wanted signs. Anyone with technology experience is in great demand also. Having said that hiring is in super-speed mode, I still ended up working 50 hour shifts these last three weeks, with half days on both Sundays. Too many installs going on. I'm tired of working bonus hours.

Tabletop D&D is still a twice a month affair. My players are all level 2 now and we're starting to roll into a story arc. Jeff started up his Naruto Sand Village RP again, but I opted out. No real video gaming either. Child of Eden has my attention, and we're thinking about grabbing FF: Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time for the multiplayer, but that's it.

At the beginning of this year, I decided to push more into creating things. I've done some awesome Play By Email RPs in the past, but didn't have anything to show for them. I also never got into rebuilding my website, getting back to piano, or learning anything new in the past 5 years of playing Warcraft. So in my handful of web comics that I like to read, one of them is tied to an anime-esque gaming forum (that's heavy into transformations and deviant artists). I ended up getting involved with them and actually spent the last 5 months of free time building a game with them:
If you do happen to read the MSF High comics, I recommend "High School Changed Me" over the main "MSF High" comic. Merlin the Bruce has been updating that thing every week, where the other has seen, I think, 3 updates in the last year. Other web comics I follow are Misfile, Penny-Arcade, Looking For Group, Spinerette, Bleedman's PPG Doujinshi, PVP Online, Underling and Sister Claire.
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