(no subject)

May 03, 2005 03:45

*comes back in, a little calmer*

*resumes his seat by the window*

*glares at Crowley's back, then closes his eyes and holds Alcuin tighter*

*comes back in also, pale, but otherwise seeming fairly calm*

*kisses Alcuin gently* It's not your fault, love.  Things will work out, you'll see.  They'll come around.

*nuzzles Haldir*

*glares at Zira, then ignores him and kisses Alcuin again*

*returns Haldir's glare with a look of resigned sorrow, and takes a seat by the door*

*turns his face towards Haldir's chest, not looking at Zira or Crowley*

*kisses Alcuin's head and gently strokes his hair*

*stands up quickly, and stalks over Aziraphale*  *doesn't look at him, though*  Right.  This is just silly.  We have to get this settled, or else I'll never hear the end of it from Hell.  *leaves, expecting Aziraphale to follow*

*looks up slowly and wearily, then gets up and follows*

Some cuddly Alcuin/Haldir stuff - Alcuin finally speaks a little

*storms in, all flamey-like*  Where izzzzzz Crawleeee?  He hazzzzz not been reporting to uzzzzz...

*blinks at the flamey enterance*

*head snaps up and stares at Beezie*

*lights something on fire*

*stands wobbily-ish*  I dunno where Cr'wley is..but..I've had just about enough of..this..angst..or whatever th'hell it is.

*starts laughing, for some reason amused by Beezie*

*eyes Grantaire*  SILENZZ.  Humanzz have no plazzzz in thizzzzz.

*narrows eyes at Beezie*

*glares and wobbles more* I DON'T CARE.  Leave 'im alone.

*blinks at Grantaire* What? Whass goin' on?

Leave him alone?  *glowerzzzz* He izzzz my servant!  Where izzzz he?

*stumbles back to the table, where he leans on it* 'Parnasse..'m just..-tired- of all this...crap.

*stands up and looks at Beezie* He's not here.  So you may as well leave.

*looks alarmed* Tired of which?

*blinks* I think you need to drink less. Or more.

*marches up to R* IMPUDENZZZZ

*sits down* Good Christ, more, please.

*sits up to make room on the couch for R, and hands him the bottle*

*grabs the bottle and ignores teh Beezie*

*looks, worried, at Beezie* .....Grantaire.... What is this?

*leans over R*  Humanzzzz pay for impudenzzzzzzz...

*sits down by 'Parnasse, sighing*

*blink* Um.  Seein' things, maybe?

*remains standing and staring at Beezie, clenching his fists painfully tight*


.....that's not good...

*on fire!*

*splashes the bottle's contents on Grantaire*

*more on fire, as alcohol does -not help*

.....oh, oops. *drops the bottle*

*turns away from teh flaming Frenchman... hee*

*is a literal and figurative flaming Frenchman*

*looks at Parnasse in disbelief and splashes the several half-full glasses of water on a coffeetable at Grantaire*

*is still on fire?*

*ignores Haldir and marches up to... Raoul*  Where izzzzzz Crawleeee?  *glowerly*  Tell and you will not be punizzzzzshed. *is lying*

....*blink*  .... noidea,honestly

*is ignored*  *does not know whether to be offended or relieved* *leans against the wall to watch*

*is -still- on fire, as it is eternal!demon!fire*

*looks around wildly* ...dammit! *grabs a...rug, and throws it on Grantaire*

*growlzzzz*  Tell, slave.

*on fire. And rug'd*

*SATANMODS*  *waves hand and reopens Raoul's wounds*

...! That was not nice!

Humanzzzz.... never learn.

....that was supposed to work.

*looks helplessly at Joly*

........ *bleeds*

*no two Rs are not on fire, yo*

*drills a hole in a freezer so he can breathe, and shoves Grantaire in it* Er...

Oh... -damn-

*um...is now in a freezer?*

*ROARS at the room*  CRAWLEE *'s about to satanmod them all*

*take him out and inspects?*

*eternal!demon!flames, yo*

*looks at Beezie* He's not here!  He left some time ago.

........oh, hell.

We don't know where he went.

He's not here! And you should fix him! *points at Raoul*

*frowns and gives up* ...Red, you feel your soul on fire, Grantaire?

*glares at Beezie* Hey, you! Monster-thing!

*invades Haldir's personal space*  He left with Azzzzzzziraphale?

He could be out...*waves hand vaguely* burning small villages again for all we know.

*laughs* I suppose so.

*tries not to pull back* I don't know, I wasn't paying attention when he left.

At least you've still got a sense of humour. *feels weird talking to flames*

*sings!, as he's still more than half drunk* Blaaaaaaaaaaack!  My world if sheeeeeee's notttt theeeeeereeee!

*inches away, despite not knowing where Montparnasse is now*

*leers at Haldir*  Elvezzzzzz....  thou should not meddle.

*tries and fails to get Beezie's attention, it seems*

*laughs and leans against the wall, still on fire*

Raoul... Raoul, dear, what should I do?

I am not meddling, I am only telling you that no one here knows where Crowley has gone.


*takes his hand* Yes... yes, of course...

*gives up and slouches back to the couch*

*goes over by 'Parnasse* ...Er.

*no two R's are not on fire, still*

Thou.  Art. MEDDLING!   Someone shall tell me... or all shall pay.

He did not say where he was going.  We aren't psychic, how would we know where he is?

*squeezes her hand*  don'tworry,okayRosa?  i'llbefine.

I'm worrying anyway, I'm sorry. *squeezes back*

Then thou shalt be punizzzzzshed for thy failingzzzzzzz.

*starting to wish he hadn't used up the rest of the alcohol on R*

*leans against 'Panrasse's shoulder, picking at his fingers* Mmph.

*pushes another bottle over to 'Parnasse with hsi foot*

Have you tried -looking- for him?

....oh. Merci, monsieur. *picks up the bottle and puts his other arm around Joly*

*woozily*  'sokay,Rosa,really.

Maybe... maybe you should try to s-sleep or somethig.


*hisses*  Thou shalt tell me.  Or I shall make thee tell.  Pain makezzzz even elvezzzzz know more than they believe.


Or Joly, either one...

I've already told you all I know.  He left earlier, I wasn't paying attention because I was caring for my boyfriend, who Aziraphale injured.  *raises eyebrow* If I knew where they were don't you think I would -tell- you for revenge?

*blinks* Eh?


*clings to her hand, shaking a little*  don'tgo,okay...?don'tleave.

Go t' the kitchen, would you? There might be something there..

..Alright. *gets up to investigate the kitchen*

*looks at R, looks at Joly, follows Joly into the kitchen*

*frowns, rummaging about* See anything, Etienne?

Thy boyfriend... *eyes flash*  And would thou wizzzzsh him to be punizzzshed for thy impudenzzzz?

*opens a few cupboards* Plenty of things, but nothing useful.

He has nothing to do with this.  I told you, I don't know where they are.  All I know is Crowley left through that door. *points*

*squeezes* I won't. I won't.

*ambles over to the door* Anything like a fire extinguisher, fellows?

What 'bout this? *holds up a carefully-placed-by-Aziraphale eternal fire extenguisher*

...it has little wings.

....That should work.

And a halo.

Looks important.

Or at least divine.

*shrugs* Try it. Can't hurt. Probably.

Divine could combat fires. *looks at it* Nothing much else to lose.

*stands back*

*stands in front of Grantaire and lets the extinguisher go*

*SATANMODS*  *throwz Haldir back with demon-y powerzzzz of evvviiiil*  Do not tezzzzt me.

*sniffs* It smells like ginger snaps.


Extinguisher: *Runs Out!*

*wipes extinguisher off* Merci.

*is thrown and hits the wall, falls to the ground* I told you, I don't know.  I can't tell you what I don't know. *slowly gets to his feet*

*glarezzz* Then get out of my way.


*follows Crowley wearily and almost incuriously*

*leads to ... some room or the other, and sits down resolutely*

*stands in the doorway* *flatly* What now?

Now.  Just so that Hell doesn't keep bothering me... *glares at nowhere and everywhere*  let this be proof that I have learned my lesson.  *turns to Aziraphale meaning to say "I hate you, and I always will."*

*watches Crowley with an expression of fear and worry and sorrow and resignation and, above all, love*

I ... ... *pauses, glancing nervously all around, losing his cool quite a bit*

*softly* What? Crowley... what?

I ... don'thateyou.  *immediately winces, as expecting to me smited right then and there*

*'s hand grabs at the wall for suddenly necessary support* What?

*takes another deep breath*  I don't hate you, Aziraphale.

*definitely in need of that support* You're a demon.

*looks directly at him*  So?

*as if trying to convince himself*  Demons are ... -supposed- to rebel, aren't they?

*with extremely forced calm* So I'm an angel, you're a demon, and whathappenedtoyourpromise?!?!

*kind of lost the calm at the end there*

I ... *attempting to remember* ... what did I promise you?  *without the sharpness of before, since the brainwashing is obviously breaking*

*shaking* You p-promised you'd come b-b-/back/.

You'd come /back/ to me.

*takes a single step closer*  I ... Did I?  *shakes his head as if to clear it*

*slightly hysterical whisper, still clinging to the wall* You did. You did! Oh, Crowley, please--!

I- .. But- .. Serving the Lord and .. I- ... *still looking directly at Aziraphale* *obviously a bit confused at the moment*

*on the verge of tears* Please, Crowley... I... love you.

*walks to right in front of him*  ... *gives him a sincere look (the most sincere that a demon can give, at least)*  Do you?

*more than the verge, now, as tears spill down his face* I do. I do. Please...

*touches Aziraphale's cheek tentatively, wiping away some tears*  I ... I might feel the same way. *looks as if he's fighting with himself*

*reaches his hand up to very lightly touch Crowley's fingers*

*almost breathless,* You promised me you'd come back. Please, Crowley, please... please, come back.

*tentatively grasps Aziraphale's hand, almost pensively, as if he's not quite there*  How .. how do I?

*softly* Do you love me?

I- .. I- ... *looks down at his hands* *quietly* I don't know.

*holds Crowley's hand tightly* Do you? Did you ever?

*looks at him, almost bewildered, as Beelzebub is in the building now, which means that Lucifer's control over him is a bit stronger* ... *even softer* I did.  I don't know anymore.

*after a moment's pause, turns his head to softly kiss the palm of Crowley's hand, then drops it and steps back* Either way... I still love you. And I always will.

*blinks*  *obviously surprised*  I ... You ... *speechless*

*softly kisses Aziraphale*

*really quickly, but still a kiss*

*closes his eyes, which doesn't stop the tears* *whispers* What did they do to you, my love?...

Session Time: Tue May 03 00:00:00 2005

*tries wiping away Aziraphale's tears with his hands, which doesn't work too well*  They ... *tries to remember and fails* ... I don't remember.  But ... it was dark.  And .. they tried to make me ... forget you completely.

*whispers*  But I didn't.  Not completely.

*steps forward and takes both of Crowley's hands in his* *whispers* Hold me. Please.

*slowly but surely wraps both his arms around Aziraphale, pulling him close and holding him there*

*trembling, puts his arms around Crowley's neck and clings to him*

*pulls him even closer*  *quietly and haltingly*  I ... I remember now.  ... I -do- love you.

*at that, relaxes, ceasing the trembling and resting his head against Crowley's chest* *gently* I should have trusted you.

*kisses his forehead lightly, still a little nervous, but obviously a whole lot more clearheaded than he's been the past day*  And I should never have trusted ..-them-.  But it's all over now.

*holding onto Crowley like a drowning man* Is it? Be--you know, is still out there.

*closes his eyes for a moment, and takes a deep breath*  *resolute*  If we can overcome Lucifer's 'punishment', then we certainly don't have anything to worry about from the Prince of Hell.

*opens his eyes to look at Crowley, far more happily than he has since Beezie's first appearance* I love you.

*offers a small smile*  I love you too.

*takes Aziraphale's hand*  We should head back to the main chat room.

*smiles back, tremulous and unsure, but happy* We should. *keeps one arm around Crowley's waist, remaining as close as possible, as they walk, presumably, back into the main chat room*

*aaaand Aziraphale and Crowley enter into the main chat*

*laughs* Indeed.

*curls up on the floor*  iloveyou,Rosa

*wrapped around each other, we might add*


*whispers* I love you... are you certain you're all right?

*sets extinguisher down, which is cooing now*

...*spins around, sensing Crowley's entrance*

*looks up at Crowly and Zira* *swears under his breath*

*oddlooks the extinguisher* What's it doing now?


*washes off extinguisherness*

...No idea. *stares at it oddly* Nevertheless, I'd like to sit down.

*halts, his grip on Crowley tightening*

Let's go, then.

... *blinks and forces himself to not take a step backwards*

I need 'nother drink.

*keeps a resolute arm around Aziraphale*

*silently agrees with R*

*parts the crowed and walks straight up to Crawlee*  Ezzzzzzplain thyself.

Sounds good to me.

*looks straight at him*  The truth?  ... The truth is, I love him.

*wanders back into the room, then spots Crowley and 'Zira*

*grins....then applauds*

*looks quickly sidelong at Crowley, a tiny smile coming across his face*

*..which disappears as he looks back to Beezie*

*watches the exchange anxiously*

*doesn't want Crowley and Zira to get hurt, despite the glaring earlier*

*wraps hand around Crawlee's throat for effect*  That izzzzz not thy truth.

*glowers at Beezie, tightclinging to Crowley* Go away.

*stretches out across the sides of an armchair* 'S nice to see less.. fire and screaming.


Havva drink?

*still not backing down - good thing he doesn't have to breathe, really*  It is the truth.  What does it matter if I love him or not, as long as I do my job properly?

*nods* Mhmm.

*stretches out on his couch*

Thou art a servant of thy LORD and no one elzzzzzz.

*smiles complacently at Beezie* You can't do anything to him worse than that. And we've already proven that that didn't work.

*glares, and steps back a little, out of Beelzebub's grasp*  I realize that.  And I am.  *resolutely*  So I repeat - what does it matter if I love him or not?

Azzzzziraphale izzzz the enemy.

*thoughtful*  The enemy, hmm?  *without a second thought, just pulls Aziraphale close and kisses him*

*slightly surprised for half a moment, then, smiling, twines his arms around Crowley's neck and kisses back for all he's worth*

*blinks in surprise at A/C, then watches Beezie in concern*

*growls!* NO!  *grabs Azira and Crowley to pull them apart*

*applauds A/C fluff*

*is afraid for Crowley and Zira*

*notes the situation with A/C, as if he wouldn't, and keeps his distance, watching warily*

*clings to Crowley* *to Beezie* What can you do? Lucifer himself has failed.

*glowers and holds the two apart*

*wants to help, but can't think of anything that would work*

Thou shalt be punizzzzzshed for thizzzzz.  Both of thee. *glowers at Zira*  Azzzzziraphale shall be left to hizzzzz side.  *grins at Crawlee*

*pales at that, but steadfastly holds onto Crowley*

*approuches slowly*

*notices Poll and wonders what on Earth he's doing*

*angrily*  What more do you want?  I'm doing my job, I've basically ... tempted an angel.  I'm still loyal to the Lord, and I'm -rebelling-.  Isn't that what demons are supposed to do?  And what if this is all part of The Plan?  What if it's all supposed to be ... ineffable?

*glarezzzz*  Thy angel shall Fall, then?  To join thy side?  *glances at Azira, then back at Crowley*  Rebelzzzz are not alwayzzzzz welcome.

*thinks the idea of Zira falling isn't too farfetched after what he did to Alcuin*

*resolute, pulling Aziraphale closer*  Isn't that up to -his- side, then?  ...  I'm doing my job.  So why don't you just leave us alone?

*breathing more than is necessary...well, at all is more than necessary...* *remains wrapped in Crowley's arms, staring resolutely and scaredly-angrily at Beezie*

*stops a short ways off from the action and cross his arms over his chest as if waiting for something (What?  I have no idea.)*

*moes forward and joins Pollution* *mouths: What are you doing?*

*moves, as well

*growlzzz*  Thou cannot do thizzzzz.  It izzzz forbidden.

*glances over at Haldir and simply smiles vaguely*

... Since when did we ever avoid 'forbidden' things?

*narrows his eyes triumphantly at Beezie, waiting for his response*

Some rulezzzzz, Crawlee, have a reazzzzzzzon.  Thizzzz izzz one.  So sayzzz the Lord, and so it izzzz.

*glares*  Obviously, even the Lord's attempt to 'teach' me the rules failed miserably.  ... What if this really -was- part of The Plan?  What then?

*waits with bated breath to see what Beezie does* *only not any breath at all, actually*

*hizzzezz*  It izzzzz not thy plazzzzz to quezzztion, Crawlee.

Then what -is- my place?  To not rebel?  ... Hardly what we've all been taught.

*take that, biyatch*


*growls*  Thou dozzt not rebel from thy side.  Thy Lord will have wordzzzz with thee, Crawlee.  And he will have thy wingzzzz.

*at Beezie's threat, he instinctively and protectively tightens his arms around Crowley, angel!glowering at Beezie*

He already -had- words with me.  It didn't work.  *steps closer to him*  You can't frighten me anymore ... Prince of Hell.  Why don't you just leave and go back to the only place where you'll ever belong?

*bites his lip and looks back and forth between A/C and Beezie*

*watches calmly, face impassive*

*also steps closer, bringing them face to face* And -I- cannot be dizzzpozzzed of by thy impudenzzz, Crawlee.  Thy Lord -will- call for thee.  Thy Lord -will- punizzzsh thee.

*tenses and clenches his fists*

*continues clinging to Crowley*

*glares*  Then let him try his best.

Enjoy thy dayzzzz on Earth, Crawlee, for thy dayzzzz anywhere elzzzzz are numbered.  *erupts into flame and disappears*

*takes a deep breath, and finally relaxes, at Beezie's disappearance*

*stares at the space where Beezie was for several moments, then slowly relaxes and unclenches his fists*

*stares at the place Beezie was standing and sighs* How special.

*leans, trembling, against Crowley* Oh, thank - God.

*goes over to a couch and drops onto it*

*raises eyebrow at Crowley and Zira* Are you two sane again?

*looks up from Crowley's shoulder* I...think so.

*watches Zira for a long moment, then nods*  ...Good.

*smiles vaguely and glances up at the two of them...before walking away*

*just kind of pulls Aziraphale closer in a bit of a dazed state*  *smiles at Haldir a little*  Thanks.

*hugs Crowley tightly, but says to Haldir, hesitantly,* Is... Alcuin... is he all right?

*nods to Crowley and looks at Zira seriously* I don't know.  He wouldn't talk at all until shortly before he left.

*worried* I feel so /horrible/, I... don't know what I was thinking.

*raises eyebrow* Neither do I.  If you find out, -do- let me know.

*has the grace to look extremely ashamed of himself* *looks away*

*watches Zira for a moment, then decides that he's had all the drama he {{and his mun}} can stand for one day*  *pushes himself off the couch*  I need to get out of here for a bit, and to sleep.  Goodnight.  *nods briefly to A/C*

*softly* Good night...

*nods shortly, and leaves*

*nods in return*

*gently pulls Aziraphale to sit down on the couch, as they're both obviously exhausted*

*curls up on the couch, feet under himself, still using Crowley as a prop and a pillow*

Typist:  *collapses*

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