(no subject)

May 03, 2005 03:42


*enters staring at the ground, making his way quickly to a sad little chair in a sad little corner*

*goes over to Zira* *quietly* Are you alright?

*blinks at Haldir* Oh - oh, yes, I'm fine. Thank you.

*kisses back and notices Aziraphale out of the corner of his eye, putting two and two together and giving Pollution a somewhat stunned "they wouldn't..." look*

*is concerned* Are you sure?  If you need anything...

*nods quickly* Oh, quite fine.

*glances over at Zira worriedly then looks back to Famine and nods*

*bites his lip, then grins faintly* I never thought I'd ask this. But...is there anything we can do?

*nods abruptly, looking away* I...will. Thank you, again.

*nods and moves away, determinedly ignoring the Maglor and Elrond snogging*

*gives a small smile but shakes his head* Not at the moment.  Aziraphale isn't talking to anyone at this point and Crowley... *makes a slight face* Well...I'm not sure I really want to think about Crowley at the moment.

*frowns* That bad, is it...*sighs* Well...we'll figure something out. Hopefully. *moves to take Pollution's hand and frowns, touching the scabs lightly* What's this?

*blinks in vague confusion, then looks down at his hands, face colouring slightly* ...oh.

Pollution...*keeps a finger lightly on the scab and sounds more worried than angry*

*quietly* I...was angry. *continues staring at his hands, hair falling into his face* I couldn't calm down...and I didn't want to make things worse.

*is quiet for a while, then takes Pollution's other hand and raises both to his lips, kissing the scabs gently* *quietly* I'm sorry. I should have been there.

*looks up, brow furrowed, then smiles weakly* It's not your fault.  You can't be here all the time.

*smiles back* I know. I just...wish I could. I wish I could stop you from ever being upset or angry or in pain...or failing that, be around to help you cope with it.

*walks into the room all covered with soot and dust, sunglasses on*  *immediately claims a chair in the corner, ignoring everyone in the room*

*ignores Crowley right back*

*laughs quietly and wraps his arms around Famine's neck* *looks about ready to say something, then notices Crowley and frowns*

*watches Crowley warily*

*frowns at Crowley, as he really has little idea of what's going on*

*looks up and notices Crowley* *shudders and looks back down*

*notices Crowley too, and sees the change instantly* *very quietly* Oh, shit.

*eyes slightly narrowed at Crowley, mutters* He went down to Hell and brought it back with him.

*in an undertone* I can tell. Damn. This *is* bad.


*sets fire to a nearby potted plant*

Potted Plant: *screams and dies in sooty agony*

*glances at the fire appreciatively*

Hnn. *closes his eyes and presses his face against Famine's neck*

*glowers idly at Voldie*

*glares at Voldie, and goes back to watching Crowley*

*holds tighter and runs his fingers through Pollution's hair, closing his eyes as well*

*wanders in* What's going on? *fret*

*waves to Alcuin and points to Crowley and burning wall*

*burns image of Dark Mark into one of the walls*

*clings to haldir, watching worriedly*

*glances up at the sound of Alcuin's voice then closes his eyes again, mumbling* I love you.

*hugs Alcuin, still keeping an eye on Crowley and Voldie*

*sets it to permanently emit green flames*

*glares faintly at the Dark Mark* *irritably waves a hand and Angelmods at it*

I love you too. *holds onto him tightly* I'm glad nothing like...that...can happen to us.

*glares fire at Zira*

*glares opposite-of-fire at Voldemort* *in a tiredly angry voice* If you can't keep your flames under control, leave.

M. Aziraphale, would you like tea? It's Camomile...

*blinks at Alcuin* ....what?

*pours him a cup* Tea. *puts it in Zira's hands*

*gentle smile* it's camomile.

*sighs* I'm glad, too.  Trust me. *kisses Famine lightly*

* Grantaire is now known as Marius

*looks down at the teacup, looking confused*

Drink it. *soft smile*

*goes over to Crowley* M. Crowley?

Would you like tea? *pours a cup and offers it*

*eyes Crowley nervously and sticks close to Alcuin*

*doesn't even look at him*  No.  I'd rather not.

Oh. *quiet pause* Is there anything I can get you.

*kisses back, then pulls away, biting his lip* I have to go. Not for good. I'll be back.

*hesitantly sips the tea, staring at Alcuin and Crowley*

*rather sharply*  No.  *continues looking out the window*

Oh. Alright. *sits down by Crowley, quiet and staring at the floor*

*smiles tiredly and goes to sit down while Famine's gone, watching Alcuin and Crowley cautiously*

*walks over to Crowley* Can't we just kill them all?

*sits next to Alcuin, still watching Voldie and Crowley*

*looks up*  Wouldn't you rather have them kill each other?

*gripping the teacup too hard, walks over to Alcuin and Haldir* Don't... don't talk to him.

*looks up* Why not?

Sometimes, the pleasure in the killing outweighs the effort involved


*shrugs*  I don't kill.  I take more delight in ... tempting and persuasion.

*walks over to Voldemort and Crowley* If murder is going to be afoot, may I help?

*surprisingly calmly* Because he's a demon. You're too kind to be hurt.

Murder? *Squeak*

*frowns* No bloodshed tonight, thanks.

*turns worriedly* Sadako!

Then can you not tempt them to kill each other right now? A room full of hideous creatures, they must disappear eventually

*hugs Alcuin* He's right, there's nothing you can do.

...blood doesn't always HAVE to be involved you know.

Living means being hurt, M. Aziraphale. *pushes Haldir away*

And don't ever tell me there's nothing I can do.

*quietly* There /is/ nothing you can do, Alcuin. Please. Don't get hurt.

If they all killed each other ... Then there'd be nobody left to tempt.

But if they were all dead, your job would be done

*covers Ginny's ears* You guys! There are children present!

*furrows his brow, still just watching worriedly*

*shrugs* He's my friend. I'm not going to act like he's not. Please, excuse me. *nods politely, then looks back down at the floor*

*smirks* I hear retirement is a wonderful thing

Elphie-san, it's just murder, nothing all that big.

*raises an eyebrow*  Hell isn't particularly pleasant.  The endless torturing and tempting of mortals sounds a lot better.

*raises eyebrow* You forget, my dear... I was murdered. From this point of view, it -is- something big.

What about just a few?

*is sitting over on a couch*

*closes his eyes for a moment, takes a deep breath, and sits down, placing his teacup on a handy table* Alcuin. /Listen to me./ Crowley's g-gone, all right? He's /gone/.

*stands up and hugs Aziraphale* No. He's not.

*goes over to sit next to Pollution, following his gaze and looking worried*

Don't you ever give up hope.

Crowley is right there.

*shrugs softly* And he loves you, alright?

Well... *sits back a little*  You're a mortal of sorts.  Can't I tempt -you- to kill a few?

*raises an eyebrow at Aziraphale* For someone who was supposed to love this man, you sure do give up on him quickly

*sighs and leans against Famine*

*glares at Artemis* You don't know what you're talking about, ch-child! I l-love him, but this /isn't him/. This is a d-d-demon.

So change him back.

You love a demon, Aziraphale.

And wasn't he a demon before?

Aziraphale, Crowley -is- a demon.  He was a demon when you fell in love with him.

*puts an arm around Pollution's waist and sighs as well, looking concerned*

Thank you, Haldir... Please, will you talk to M. Aziraphale? Help him see there's still hope.

*keeps an ear on the other conversation, though it doesn't seen like it*

*trying to get rid of them so he can talk to crowley already*

*bites his lip* No, I mean - no. He's a...he's nothing /but/ a demon now. I...Crowley promised he'd come back and he /hasn't/, don't you see?? *only slightly hysterical*

*looks at Zira seriously* Aziraphale, does Crowley usually keep his promises to you?

M. Crowley... *gently touches his shoulder*

Change him then. And what are demons but angels who have strayed from The Path? Help him find his way back. *eye roll* You give up too easily

*furrows his brow* This is...beyond madness.

*glances at Alcuin sharply*  Yes?

May I speak to you privately, please?

*trembling* Always.

*considers* ... possibly.  What about?

*smiles at Zira* Then why will this time be any different.  He -will- be back, it will just take a little longer than he expected.

*smiles, touching a finger to his lips*  That's a secret. I can't tell you here.

But, you tempt mortals, right?

Tempt me.

It is. *frowns and holds on a little tighter* I'm worried. This...shouldn't be happening.

*stares at Haldir, still trembling* ....he'd better. He'd just - damn well better.

Just listen to what I have to say, and do your best to tempt me to do whatever you want, in return.

*puts a hand on Zira's shoulder, not hearing Alcuin's conversation* He -will-.  Just trust him.

*debates on it, and nods*  Sounds like a deal.

*closes his eyes, shaking* *whispers,* I want to...

Great. Do you have somewhere private we can go? I don't want anyone listening. Not angels or demons or gods or anyone.

If you don't... I do.

*nods*  Of course.

*um, disappears with crowley?*

*or something*

He will come back.  And there are people who can help.  The Valar have to be as strong as this Lucifer person, right?  Maybe they can help.

*frowns at the disappearances of Crowley and Alcuin* *quietly* ...fuck.

*opens his eyes, which are filled with tears* Th-thank you... I think. ....where did Alcuin go?

*looks up from his book, getting an idea from Haldir* *to Aziraphale* ...The fairies might be able to heal him. I'm not sure but Holly might be able to bring him back to normal. I've never talked with her about such things. It's possible.

*turns around* Alcuin?  *notices Crowley's gone too*  ...Fuck.

*notices as well and bites his lip again* ...well, I can't put it much better than that.

*wrinkles his nose at the language*

*groans softly* I can't take this, I can't take this-! CROWLEY!

*takes a deep breath and sighs* Perfect.  Bloody...perfect.

*desperately scans the room*  Where did they go?  I don't trust Crowley like this.

*shakes head* This is bad. I hate to think what Crowley...like that...could do to someone like Alcuin. *frowns* The timing of this is quite inconvenient.

*clenches his eyes shut for a moment* If he does anything to Alcuin, I'm not sure how much Crowley there will be left.

*still frowning, but a bit thoughtfully* Do you think...he should be watched? Or would he know if someone were?

*slams a blast of angelness or whatever into the teacup, shattering it, and storms out* *to look for Alcuin and Crowley, though it won't do him much good, I imagine*

Well, that was interesting

*Also goes searching, fists clenched so hard that his palms will probably end up like Poll's earlier*

*crings slightly at Zira's outburst as he replies* It would likely be safer if he were watched but I have no idea whether he would notice or not.

*watches Aziraphale and Haldir and nods* Well...I'll say one thing for the team from Hell. They know how to do their jobs damn well. *sighs*

*makes a quiet noise of agreement* That they do.  Without question.


*looks around* Alright.

You're sure no one can hear us here? no one at all? not even your master, Lucifer..?

*nods*  Positive.

Take a dare? *slight grin at him*

*raises an eyebrow*  A dare?

Neither of us leaves the room until one of us reaches our goals.

Either you tempt me to something that suits your purposes, or...

Or I get you to listen and answer a few questions I have.

*holds out his hand with a challenging grin* Deal?

*considers it for awhile*  Or we could just trade.  After all ... questions never hurt anyone.  In return, I'll place a few seeds of doubt in your head?

Sure. *grins*

So. *sits down somewhere, comfortably* Did they threaten to take your wings?

*shakes his head*  No.  They did not.

*a nervous look, but blinks it away*  That's usually the last resort.

What, a lesser threat worked?

It must've taken a lot to scare such a powerful demon as you.

*blinks*  What are you talking about?  I wasn't -scared- into anything.

What, they didn't threaten you?


Oh. Alright. *shrugs* Then why the sudden change of heart?

I mean, we noticed you weren't being the evilest demon around, and then when Beelzebub took you down to talk with Lucifer, you came down all blazing fury and ... well, you're kinda sulking, actually.

*glares a little*  I just finally learned my place, that's all.

*laughs* That sounds like a scolded child. What'd they do to teach it to you?

*shrugs*  Even Hell has order. ... *a pause and a slight, almost inperceivable shudder*  And Lucifer has his unknown ways.

*soft frown* They tortured you?

No, they did not.

What do you mean by "Unknown ways", then? What DID they do to you?

The specifics?  Now -that- I can't tell.

Can you at least give me a general idea? I'm quite confused.

*pauses*  Let's just say that I've been reeducated for the better, and leave it at that.

Oh. Alright.

Are you happy?

No.  I never was.

No, I guess you weren't.

But you were pretty close to it, when you were with Aziraphale.

And I think he WAS happy, for the first time in his life, when he was with you.

It was actually a pretty nice trick--getting an angel to fall in love with you and then breaking his heart.

That's pretty damn evil.

*blinks, gaze hardening*  I was never 'with' ... that angel.

((*actually isn't sure if he really means it, or is just 'in denial'* :/))

Oh, then... *confused* But what about all the sex and kissing and declarations of love?

*glares*  How dare you even suggest that I had anything to do with him?

*puzzled blink* They brainwashed you?

Oh. Well. I guess that makes sense. You actually don't remember?

No.  No brainwashing.  *chillingly cold voice*  I'm doing this of my own accord.

You're... breaking your own heart of your own accord? *looks confused* I don't understand...

Crowley, you keep a journal of sorts, don't you?


You wouldn't, by any chance have it with you, would you?

I remember an entry you made--one of the public entries.

*inclines his head in an interested manner*

I do not have it with me, no.

I'll have to quote from memory, then. *thinks for a moment*

*sits back and waits, a bit impatiently*

Oh, I remember the piece now.

Actually, I think it was private. A love letter. To Aziraphale.

*raises an eyebrow*  Really now.

*ponders a moment, then begins to quote, perfectly, getting even the crowley's intonations, so that it almost sounds like crowley's talking*

Right, love letter and all. I love you. That's it. That's all you need to know. And you do already, which is why I'm wondering why I felt the distinct urge to write this letter. I suppose that I just felt like you needed something tangible, to see and read. I felt like you needed some written proof. So here it is. A mediocre love letter just for you. Add that onto the list of things that demons can not accomplish properly.

Psst, it goes after public displays of adoration, being good, and ... keeping themselves from singing while drunk. Hopefully snogging angels isn't on that list. *bright look*)

*is absolutely going to continue until Crowley stops him*

*rolls his eyes*  Enough.  I'm sure I wrote that rubbish at -one- point, but that's not me anymore.

*does look a little bit more unnerved, though*

Oh, good, so you remember?

Barely.  It's not worth it to remember completely.

Now.  I think you've asked enough questions for your own good.

Not worth it, or you can't?

What, am I making you uncomfortable?

No.  I only agreed to answer 'a few' questions.  I've answered more than a few.

Alright, your turn, then.

*would actually rather get back to the main room so that A/C can get back together already, so pretend he just plants a few tiny seeds of doubt in Alcuin's head about Haldir's relationship to him -- about the same that could come up normally in a relationship anyways-- because he's actually feeling a bit guilty, and just wants to -leave-*

*storms back in and drops onto a couch, head in hands*

*returns* ^_^


*glances up*

*...still off searching for t hem, but will now proceed to return*

*returns to his chair by the window, perhaps a bit more pensive than before, but none less moody*

*goes to him* Are you alright?  I was worried about you.

Hi. ^_^ *kisses Haldir*

'm just fine.

*kisses back*  Thats good. *hugs him tight*

*glances between Alcuin and Crowley*

*returneth, albeit somewhat lately*

*glances at Crowley* I assume you were trying to talk some sense in to him.  Any luck?

*wearily enters, sees Alcuin and Crowley and stops short* ...

Some. I have a better idea of what they did to him, at any rate.

*glances up as Aziraphale enters, but then glances back outside*

Aziraphale. *walks over and hugs him*

*stares at Crowley with some hopefulness, but as the demon turns, his face falls* *absently hugs Alcuin back* Are you alright?

I'm fine. *smiles at him* *whispers something in Zira's ear*

*smiles at Zira* You just have to remind him.

*closes his eyes, leaning somewhat on Alcuin for support* *faintly* What... how?

Love him, I guess. Talk to him, even if he doesn't talk back.

*nudges Zira in Crowley's direction* Go on.

*watches them closely, head cocked to the side, and smiles slightly*

*stares at Crowley, and slowly, unsteadily, walks over to him*

*looks up, boredly, sunglasses still on*

*puts his arms around Alcuin and watches Zira and Crowley* I don't know how you do it.  Are they going to be alright, now?

*shakily reaches up and removes Crowley's sunglasses* Crowley?

Somehow. *smiles*

*blinks a little and doesn't resist, yet you can see the change in his eyes*  What.

*curls up into the couch, keeping an eye on Crowley and Aziraphale*

*tosses the sunglasses to the floor and stares, troubled, into Crowley's eyes* Crowley, I...oh, heavens, I don't know what to do, what to say...

Then don't.  Nothing you say can be of interest to me at the moment.

*'s voice is forcedly calm* You seem to have forgotten, my dear boy, that you made a promise to me. And I do expect you to keep it.

*smiles* See? Aziraphale is all it should take to break the spell on Crowley. He just needed to believe in himself... and Crowley needed enough doubt in himself to listen.

*slightly cold laugh*  And you seem to have forgotten that I'm a demon.  I rarely keep promises.

*kisses Alcuin* I hope it works soon.  I hate to see Aziraphale like this.

Be patient. It'll all turn out for the best. I'm sure of that now.

*softly* Crowley, I need you to remember... please, oh, please! Go--er. I...

As I told your friend *stiff nod to Alcuin*, I -do- remember.  I just choose to ignore.

*smiles* I'm glad.  *hugs him tight* I'm proud of you.  Not many people would be able to talk sense into a demon.

You must not remember what it feels like, then, to love. *hesitantly kisses him*

*pulls back again, sharply, though perhaps not as quickly as last time*  ... Again.  I do remember.  I just choose to ignore.

*winces at looks at Zira in concern*

*furrows his brow and curls up tighter on the couch*

*stares at Crowley silently for a moment, before nodding sharply* You lied. *turns and walks away*

*squeaks* Aziraphale!

He's a demon.  Demons aren't particularly known for their truthfulness, to my knowledge.

*puts a hand on Zira's shoulder* He -will- come back.

*sighs and mutters into the couch back* It was a valien effort.

*scrambles up and tries to push Zira back at Crowley* No, go back and talk to him! You're doing good!

*shrugs Haldir's hand off, saying coldly,* No. This is pointless. A demon and an angel - it's impossible.

It's true LOVE!

*grabs Zira's arm* It's not pointless, you just have to keep trying.

Aziraphale, it's like a storybook... he's under a spell...

You have to rescue him. He's COUNTING on you.

You can't give UP!


*sends a quick glance over to them, then sits back in his seat, wondering why he can't make himself just leave the room*

*looks, disbelievingly, at Alcuin* What's wrong with you? This isn't a storybook. It's not a fairy tale. It's ineffability.

It's true LOVE. If he didn't love you, he would've just left.

He wouldn't even talk to you, if he didn't care.

*looks back and forth between the two* Forget it. He broke his promise; a promise I was foolish to ask for in the first place.

*slaps Aziraphale*

Stop angsting!

I just-!

Have HOPE.

That's what angels do!

They HOPE.

*opens his eyes again to watch again*

*saunters over to Crowley* WHAT IN HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?

*'s eyes fly wide open* Don't. Touch. Me.

And they bring out the best in people.

Go TALK to him. *glares*

Aziraphale, you told me that he never broke a promise to you.  It's not -him- that's rejecting you, it's whatever Lucifer did to him.  You have to break him out of that.

*blinks up at Sadako*  What do you mean?

*takes a very long, deep breath* If I were you, mortal, I'd watch out.

Aziraphale, if you're willing to give up after barely trying, you must not love him as much as we all thought you did.

No. I won't. *glare*

*rolls his eyes and mutters* Oh by all things holy and some things not...

He NEEDS you.

And you're giving up on him, like a cowardly child.

You're thousands of years old.

You and Aziraphale have SO MUCH sexual tension and heartbreak going back and forth between you two that *I* can feel it! Go make up with him, because...you two are meant to be. Anyone who's blind, deaf, and dumb would be able to tell!

ACT like it, and take a little responsability for your romance.

*blinks, looking slightly disconcerted before putting his mask back on*  That was -before-.  This is -now-.  I have absolutely -nothing- to do with that ... angel at the moment.

*curls up in the corner of the couch somewhat miserably and gives up on watching*

No, it's not just before, it is now and you're denying it because of some fallen angel who rules Hell! True love is supposed to conquer anything, including whatever the hell was done to you, even if you deny it!

*very quietly* Alcuin. You are the child. Do not presume to speak of things you do not understand.

I understand love.

If there's one thing in the world I understand, it's love.

...there is no such thing as love between a demon and an angel. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to... I have to go. I have to get out of here.

*quietly* Aziraphale, Alcuin is the one who refused to give up on YOUR boyfriend.

...I suppose you really didn't love him as much as we thought, if you're giving up on him this easily.

No. There is such a thing as love between a demon and an angel, and it's right here.

I know you're scared, but he needs you, Aziraphale. He needs you.

*started to walk away, but stops at Haldir's words* *with his back to them both, barely audible* I loved more than a mortal, frail creature like you could possibly comprehend.

*closes his eyes briefly*  I am a demon.  Shouldn't that be enough to tell you that true love does -not- reach me, no matter how all-encompassing human beings make it out to be?  *face closing up even more*

*starts to cry* Then don't give up on him, you coward!

*bursts into tears*

*serious look* I have been around for over four thousand years Aziraphale.  I know love when I see it, and that is what you two have.  Don't give up on him.

*'s hands curl into fists, but his voice remains unnaturally calm* I haven't....given up. I have merely faced the facts. I am an angel.

You're running away.

Crowley, demon or not, you love him. I mean, sure you two have a Romeo and Juliet thing going on, but it's there, it's meant to be, and you're betraying yourself by denying it. Now, could you just go over there and make up with him?

*sniffles* I don't care if you're an angel, you're still giving up.

I. Am. Not. Giving. UP! *whirls around and thrusts his hand out towards Alcuin, with a blast of whateverpower*




No.  There is -nothing- to make up.

*grabs Zira's arm with leet Elven reflexes*

*eyes snap open*

I know you're hurting over this, but do NOT take it out on Alcuin.

He's trying to fix this, which is more than you are doing.

*stares, shaking, at Alcuin, then at Haldir's hand on his arm* I.....

IF anyone is acting like a demon here, it's you.

*whimpers, trembling*

*glances over to the other side of the room*

*drops Zira's arm and goes to Alcuin*

*unfolds himself from his little ball on the couch and watches again, eyes narrowed*

*holds him tight, very concerned* Are you alright?

*clings, trembling*

*pulls his arm in to himself, trembling and staring at Alcuin and Haldir* I... oh my - oh God. I'm sorry...

*hides his face in Haldir's chest, clinging*

*grabs Crowley by the arm* C'mon, if you're not going to do this on your own, I'm forcing you to.

*glares, wrenching his arm away*  Forcing me to do -what-, exactly?  Don't you understand?  I feel nothing for him.  There is nothing. to. admit.  *steely look*

*picks up Alcuin and takes him to one of the couches*  Are you alright?

*stalks away -- outside, or something*

*hesitantly approaches Haldir and Alcuin* *whispers* Did I.... is he all right?

*nods slightly, silent, clinging to Haldir*

*looks at Zira coldly* He'll be fine.

*follows* You know that's not true, I know that's not true. Hell! The entire mansion knows you love him and that he loves you and that you're meant to be so just go make up with him, Goddammit!

*eyes narrowed at Zira and after Crowley, hissing* Lovely mess, really.  Bloody.  Lovely.  Mess.

*bigeyes at Haldir* ....oh.... m-may I? *without waiting for permission, rests his hand on Alcuin's cheek* I'm s-sorry. I am.

*turns away from the touch, not looking at him*

*turns, with a strangely blank look*  And so he has.  *leaves her behind*

*closes his eyes and slowly caresses Alcuin's cheek, all Angelmoddyhealyandstuff*

*flinches, clinging tighter to Haldir*

*'s face grows blank* ...all right, then. *stands up, breaking contact with Alcuin* All right.

*takes a deep breath, stands, and leaves, out the opposite door from Crowley*

*silently leaves, with one blank glance at Alcuin+Haldir*

*sighs and leans his head on Alcuin's*

*silently staring into space in Haldir's arms*

*concerned* *brushes a bit of Alcuin's hair behind his ear* Alcuin?


*sighs* I love you


Part two here

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