Aug 26, 2023 16:49
what a marvelous day weather wise.
there was a really fierce looking spider on my patio, that had set up shop (a web about 4 feet across, very pretty web, but I do need to walk out there and safely egress and ingress, LOL). The web was impressive,
however- I decided to go the merciful route, no matter how fierce the spider looked, because well it looked like her or his bite was pretty painful.
I took the blow torch and made contact with the top left and top right aspects of the web, giving him or her time to adjust between each salvo to its creation.
Upon the second one dropping, the spider fell into a chair, and I heard a noticable plunk. Pretty substantial spider.
An hour later it'd spun up a new web, so I politely said you really ought to have not done that, and went about taking the new web down in the same way.
It's not there yet today, but if it comes back, I'll be doing the same thing again.
What a wonderful tool, it roasts coffee, it welds things, it takes down spider webs, and it cleans old cobwebs out of corners of the ceiling...
Do you have anything that you use outside of the regular prescribed way, that you find really useful? If so, I'm curious, tell me about it.