Back in Pennsylvania. I won't have to do that crazy drive again until May 9th, when I go home for the summer. I've done it so many times in the past month that I'm starting to feel like Jed's dad.
And no, not in a creepy way: Jed has some good stories about his father's legendary driving prowess, like the one when Dan drove 15 straight hours working on mostly coffee and water in a far-flung attempt to get Jed from a Legion baseball tournament in Wyoming back to Oregon for a summer basketball camp, or last June when he ventured out on the roads for a trek nearly halfway across the country to Omaha for the College World Series.
"My dad is a machine when it comes to driving," laughed Lowrie, who claims that his parents made it to the Bay Area for all but two of his home series last season and are planning to be here again this weekend to watch their son make his projected debut as the team's starting shortstop after the graduation of 2003 starter Tobin Swope.
See, I meant that in a perfectly normal way. I swear.
(Random note about May 9th, the day I go home - the day after, May 10th, my parents have Mets tickets. The first thing I'm doing when I get home is going to a baseball game! Hooray!)
Anyway, now that I'm done marathon driving for a few weeks, I can settle down for a bit. Upon my arrival, I discovered
this news. Okay, I understand that Jed is a prospect and is therefore a good person to make 'inactive' for a few days to get the regulars in the first games that actually count this year, but here's my question: if the five inactive players cannot be in uniform, then do they wear their street clothes in the dugout? If not, where do you put them?
The people besides Jed who are being temporarily deactivated are Wake, Timlin, Bobby Kielty and Sean Casey. One wonders if we'll get to see these five in their civilian clothes in the dugout. I'd look forward to that, in a way. They all have their reasons - Timlin's a little hurt, Sean Casey has a crick in his neck from the flight, Wake just pitched the other day, and Kielty is probably still recovering from his injury a bit.
And Theo knows that it's not wise to sic this on the closest Major League team to UC Berkeley:
Yeah, you know you're intimidated.
(Okay, not really. He's too adorable there to really be intimidating. But I still wouldn't let him get too close to Cal.)