Mar 19, 2011 11:20
At least, pretty much so. Am not going to turn this into one of those pathetic 'sorry for not posting' posts, but instead, am just going to crawl in here and sob a while. I'm in agony, complete and utter fucking agony and I've only got myself to blame as I've just put off going to the docs since xmas.
And now, here I am, pretty much unable to walk. In December, I started getting a hip and leg pain that was different to my normal back pain. I've suffered with my back for more years than I care to remember, so am used to being in some amount of discomfort on a daily basis - some days I wonder what's wrong when I wake up and don't hurt. But I digress. At Xmas, it was really bloody uncomfortable, almost a sciatic pain, buried deep in my hip and radiating down my leg, skipping over my knee and knifing deep into my ankle.
I kind of ignored it. It eased up, the codeine helped and I hobbled on. You get used to hurting, and it's just the way it is after a while. I make small children pick things up off the floor, relax my standards (like they could drop much lower...) and we muddled on. Then my lovely bloke and I decided to give things another go, so it was pack up the house and spend the first two months of the year trolling back and forth between the Midlands and up north. I packed my house up (again). We did lots of motorway miles (again). And so we're here, surrounded by boxes and boxes of stuff (I see a pattern here). Saw an osteopath and my back was much better. Oddly though, nothing he did helped the hip pain, but standing up straight was such a novelty that I decided to ignore the hip thing and get on with stuff. After all, the hip was probably nothing more than referred pain, right?
Uh, wrong. The past month, sleeping has become a chore, as I can't actually lie on my right side. And when I lie on my left side, my right hip seizes up after a while, so I fall asleep ok but when I wake up and try to move, I can't. Good job we've got a lovely wrought iron headboard that I can grab and haul my sorry ass up with. The last few nights, just the act of lying down hurts. I can't sleep on my back anyway due to the disc problems, and facedown hurts like hell as it feels like someone is pushing my pelvis apart.
And then, this morning, I stretched. Still lying in bed, on my left side, I just did an innocent little stretch and some fucker stabbed me in the hip and the knife has been there ever since. Full 30mg dose of codeine hasn't touched it, I'm using both sodding crutches and am seriously considering A&E (ER for my US friends). I've been meaning to go to the doctors for weeks and weeks, but it's just not happened what with school and work and life and such. Stupid cow. I mean, really really stupid cow. One of my own favourite sayings is 'a stitch in time saves nine'. Um, yeah... I'm a walking case in point now. Or rather, hobbling.
So I shall go and point my addled, drugged brain at something vaguely porny in the hope that it distracts me from which ever sadistic bastard has jabbed a kris dagger in my hip.