Stupid. He's Forever and Only Mine

Sep 05, 2010 22:17

Title: Stupid. He’s forever and Only Mine
Author: 15SujuBerries
Length: 2/3
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Disclaimer: I don’t own them.
Summary: Kyuhyun and Siwon love the usually clueless, naive, turtle loving hyung and try to get his attention... Leeteuk and Heechul soon learn that the two seemingly innocent members could be aggressive and say such vulgar words to each other just because of one dense member named Yesung...

Part Two:

Siwon grabbed the boy’s body before throwing it to the wall and pinning his hands above his head, “Aw, Kyuhyunnie, don’t be violent just because Yesung cares and loves me more~”

“What the hell are you talking about, Wonnie? The only time you got his attention was when you got the flu and he had to stay here to take care of you.” Kyuhyun spat, “You’ve never even slept and hugged him all night before!”

“Yesung only let you because you’re the MAGNAE!” Siwon shouted, “I bet he doesn’t even see you as a man-” Kyuhyun tried to punch the taller man in the face but Siwon grabbed his arm and pushed the magnae onto the ground, “Why are you trying? You already know what will happen if you try to fistfight with me.”

“Ha, why are you even trying also? You know Yesung doesn’t want to get fucked by a Casanova like you-”

“Stupid, Yesung’s mine.”

“Dumbass, he doesn’t belong to y-”

“Siwon... Kyuhyun, what are you two doing?!”
The two men turned their heads to find Yesung. They couldn’t tell if he was angry, irritated or confused because his bangs and hood were covering his eyes and most of his nose. Siwon and Kyuhyun turned their heads again to stare back at each other, Siwon’s fist were inches away from the younger one’s face. Did he hear and see everything?!
“H...H…Hyuuuuuuuuuung!” Kyuhyun shouted, his eyes were forming tears. Siwon looked at him with astonishment until the magnae pushed his heavy body off him and ran to Yesung for comfort.

“I just walked out of your room then suddenly hyung pushed me to the ground and started shouting at me!” Kyuhyun cried out, more tears were trickling down his soft face. “Yah! This kid is trying to turn you against me!” Siwon yelled after getting up. Before Yesung could say something, Kyuhyun stopped crying, “I don’t need to turn him against you. You’re dislikeable enough!” He smirked while hugging Yesung from the back, “Hyung, I bet Siwon is a man-whore. Just look at him, he’s the kind of person who loves skin ship! Remember he kissed Heechul twice and tried to kiss Donghae too!”

“You’re calling me a man-whore? Hyung, you should’ve seen what he was like in China!”

“At least I wasn’t fooling around with Heechul’s boyfriend on shows! Do you know how many SiHan videos are on the internet now?”

“Yah! At least the fans don’t call me Evil Won, Evil Kyu!”

“You may seem perfect and innocent but I’m sure you have the most experience out of all of us!” Kyuhyun screamed into Yesung’s back, “Hyung, he’s just going to fuck you then throw you away afterwar-”

“WHAT THE SHIT IS GOING ON?!” Heechul screamed, marching out of his room with a furious expression, “I’m sleeping then suddenly I hear shouting and banging-” The sleep deprived hyung stopped when he eyed the scene in front of him. “Teuk-Teuki… why are you wearing Yesung’s clothing… and a wig?” He questioned with a smirk.

Siwon thought his soul left his body while Kyuhyun wanted to run far away and never come back. Where the hell did Yesung go and why was Leeteuk here and not with Eunhyuk?!

“Heechul…,” Leeteuk murmured in a low, scary voice, “Of all the times I screamed for you to come out of your room, you decide to come out now,” Slowly, Leeteuk turned his head towards the two scared members, “You… I knew one day there would be a fight between two members but I never thought it would be you two.”

“Hyuuuung, we can explain!” Kyuhyun pleaded, getting down on his knees. “Don’t give me that ‘hyuuuuuung’ crap, Cho Kyuhyun! I dressed up like this so you two could explain what is going on, thinking I’m your beloved Yesung! I thought you would greet me by shouting ‘happy birthday’ but instead, you two continued to scream at each other!”

“Ehh? Its hyung’s birthday today?!” Siwon questioned. How could they forget?

“Yes. The other members went out to pick a cake and buy decorations; Yesung went to visit his parents and isn’t coming back until dinner,” Their leader spat while rubbing his temples, “After we eat the cake, you two are going to be in his room and explain everything to him! IF he likes one of you back then the other will just have to deal with it and move on! If Yesung doesn’t feel the same for either of you then deal with it, okay?” He said calmly before marching back to his room.

“I thought it wasn’t possible for Teuk-Teuki to snap…” Heechul shuddered. The two frightened men nodded before the now second scariest member walked back to his room. “And he calls me a diva!” Heechul hissed.


Kyuhyun looked to his hyung with sad eyes, “I… I… I-I-I’m s…s-s-s-s-sorry!” He blurted, it was tougher saying sorry to Siwon than he thought. “Haha, I’m sorry too,” Siwon ruffled the younger man’s hair until an idea popped into head, “Teuki didn’t say we couldn’t share.”


“Kyuhyunnie, there’s something called double penetration.”

“But Siwonnie, Yesung-hyung will kill us before we can even take his clothes off!”

“That’s why there are two of us here. One of us will hold down the jumpy singer. Simple, isn’t it?”

“No! That means we’re raping him!”

“Kyuhyunnie. It’s not rape if he enjoys it. We’re simply just pleasuring him after all...”

“...Siwonnie... I finally get you!” Kyuhyun said happily.

Siwon and Kyuhyun smirked together, almost crying that they were finally getting along for once.


Yesung felt uneasy, he thought he was going to get more than a surprise party... Hesitating to open the door, he heard a loud bang. Ryeowook, Sungmin and Kyuhyun were throwing confetti at him while the other members were making loud noises with whistles and what not. They were all wearing cloud patterned party hats and turtle shirts-Yesung thought they were mocking him. Even his three turtles had a tiny party hat placed on their shell. The living room was decorated in white, blue and green, covered and filled with cloud-shaped balloons, streamers, confetti and a huge banner on the wall that read ‘HAPPY BIRTDAY KIM JONGWOON~’

Before Yesung could utter a word, all nine members literally screamed and sang happy birthday. Yesung braced himself for what was coming-a cake thrown to his face.

Surprisingly, Siwon and Kyuhyun were the ones who threw it at him. Yesung pouted at them, not noticing their cheeks turned a light shade of pink.
Leeteuk got one of their managers to take a group picture of them with Yesung’s flustered face.


“Hyuuuuung, can’t we just do it now?” Kyuhyun whined. They were sitting on the couch while the other members were sitting near Yesung who was opening his presents. “Leeteuk said after we ate cake...” Siwon mumbled.


Yesung stared at the seven members. They all passed out on the ground, along with the empty wine bottles lying around them. He sighed... this was one of the reasons why he rarely drank. Yesung didn’t want to pass out in the dorm or somewhere else and wake up with a hangover.

Yesung hesitantly got up to get a blanket to put it over their bodies. He stared at their peaceful and goofy expressions before squealing as two strong hands grab his waist.

“You-I could’ve gotten a heart attack!!” Yesung shouted at the man staring at him with a rare creepy grin on his face. Siwon wasn’t answering and Yesung didn’t know what to do but think the younger man turned mad... or just weird. “Are you just going to stand here all day?” He said in a low voice but Siwon continued to be unresponsive. Yesung shrugged with a baffled expression, turning around so he could walk away. Before the older male could move his legs, Siwon lifted Yesung up-bridal style.

“Siwon put me down!” Yesung shouted. Although he looked angry , Siwon shrugged and held him tighter and closer to his body. “But, we didn’t give you your birthday present yet or your birthday spanks...” Siwon mumbled while walking to Yesung’s room. “Spanks?! What are you talking about?! And you ALREADY gave me a present and who’s we?!” Yesung yelped as he was literally thrown to his own bed, landing on a soft yet hard thing-it was moving. “What the-” The body hissed before moving to the side, “Siwonnie, why did you throw hyung on me...?” Kyuhyun groaned. Siwon shrugged, “But, you said you were going to hide in the closet-”

“Why is Kyuhyun naked on my bed?!” Yesung screamed so the magnae covered his mouth. “Hyung, happy birthday...” Kyuhyun whispered before making Yesung sit on his lap. Siwon quickly put the handcuffs on Yesung so he wouldn’t be able to kill them.

Kyuhyun frowned while trying to unbutton Yesung’s pants, he wouldn’t stop shouting and moving, which made it even more difficult, “Hyung, if you don’t stop then we’ll have no choice but to cover your mouth with a piece of fabric...” He said which made Yesung shut up but cringe when Siwon removed his own clothes. If he wasn’t so scared then Yesung would stare dazedly stare at his perfect abs. Kyuhyun frowned once more, he knew Yesung would mostly pay attention to the man in front of him since he was in the back, “Siwonnie, maybe it’ll be more fun if we put a blindfold on him!”

“Crazy bastards, let me go!” Yesung shouted with angry eyes. Kim Jongwoon will not and never be raped! Especially if it was Choi Siwon and Cho Kyuhyun doing it!

“Hyung, instead of screaming, try singing instead.” Siwon suggested. “Why should I?!” Yesung said. “Hyuuung, don’t be stubborn and relax... it’s your birthday after all.” Kyuhyun said, grinning. “How can I relax if you two are going to rape me?!” Yesung shouted but Siwon just smirked. “Hyuuung, it’s not rape. We’re just trying to pleasure you~” Yesung turned his head but ended up smacking his ear on the magnae’s chin. “Kyuhyunnie, please~ I’ll buy you whatever game console you want if you let me go!” Yesung said huskily. His pout and offer made Kyuhyun have second thoughts.
“Kyuhyunnie, go with our plan and I’ll buy you whatever game console you want.” Siwon said and Kyuhyun’s smile grew even wider.

yewonkyu, stupid. he's forever and only mine, nc-17

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