Smiling Faces

Sep 05, 2010 21:11

Title: Smiling faces
Author: 15SujuBerries
Chapter: 3/4
Pairings: YeWon
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU, Romance, Angst
Disclaimer: I don’t own them.
Warning(s): Rape and abuse
Summary: Getting hugged or touched triggers painful memories Siwon wishes he could forget. Kim Jongwoon is just making everything even more difficult...

Chapter Three: Familiar Faces

Siwon kept his hands away from Jongwoon's reach and was too stunned by his question to answer. He thought his uniform covered up the old and fresh wounds and bruises!
Jongwoon tapped his foot, waiting for his reply and just stared into Siwon’s eyes because he was doing the same, not caring about Leeteuk and the other girls watching them with amused expressions. “Ahaha... what are you talking about Jongwoon-sshi-” Siwon said quietly but got cut off when Jongwoon stepped forward, their noses almost touched. He pulled his chin forward so he was looking into his cold eyes again. Siwon thought his heart would stop at any moment if Leeteuk didn’t pull them apart. If things continued then Siwon’s fangirls would either squeal or kill Jongwoon! To his surprise, Siwon gave him a death glare as if he didn’t want him to break them apart. He looked back to Jongwoon but the kid was already gone...

“Siwon...” Leeteuk looked at the small cut on his lip, “Did something happen?”

“Nothing happen Teuki.” Siwon muttered then Leeteuk pouted, “I’ll come back...” Siwon said before running away. Sometimes Leeteuk doesn’t understand Siwon... He hates being really close to others-apart from- him so he broke them apart so why did he look angry?!


Siwon walked into the courtyard. A familiar body was laying on his stomach on the ground, not moving an inch, “J... Jongwoon-sshi?” Siwon said, his voice nervous and slightly amused by his position. Instead of saying anything, Jongwoon slowly turned his head to face the tall man in front of him. “Why are you lying down...?” Siwon asked. He moved closer towards the small frame then crouched down, waiting for the small man to answer. “Three girls,” Jongwoon whispered. “I walked over here then three girls suddenly appeared. They kept talking about some knight and I should back off or else. I had no idea what they were talking about so I decided to talk back... One of the three girls got angry so I ended up on the ground.” Jongwoon mumbled. He looked content, as if he didn’t care about the girl who pushed him down. On the other hand, Siwon was confused and somewhat angry. Confused because of the knight thing the girls were talking about and angry because one of them pushed Jongwoon... Siwon sighed heavily before grasping his small hand, not moving. Jongwoon’s hands were awfully cold...

The smaller man stared at him with a puzzled expression, he thought Siwon would help him up, instead, he just stared at him with deep, piercing eyes, “S...S...Siwon-sshi?”

Siwon didn’t answer or react -he didn’t want to- and continued to stare at the delicate and alluring face. It was the first or rather second time he saw Jongwoon up close...

“Siwo-Oh. Never mind! Continue with... what you’re doing.” Leeteuk chuckled nervously then ran away, not wanting to disturb their moment.

Siwon’s eyes widened when he realized Jongwoon and he were inches towards kissing each other. Jongwoon wanted to say something but no words came out, instead, his face turned scarlet as the taller man backed away and chased after his friend.

“What was that about?” Jongwoon mumbled, slapping his cheeks to stop blushing and smiling. He clenched his fist; he didn’t like this feeling...


Siwon saw Leeteuk run up to him with a furious expression. What did he do now? “You idiot,” He shouted. “What were you doing? You looked like you were going to kiss him... OMO! DO YOU LIKE HI-”

“Leeteuk, shut up, you’re too noisy.”

“Oh? So you do then? Well I don’t blame you... you two look cute together and he seems like your type.” Leeteuk said with a hint of amusement. Siwon really wanted to retort but the bell rang, “I don’t like him! He’s... what’s the word? Strange.” Leeteuk stared at him as if he was entertained, “Aw, Siwonnie is in denial!” He chanted, moving closer so he could pinch his cheeks. “Yah! I’m not gay and he’s not my type!” Siwon retorted it pissed him off when he teased him. Leeteuk raised a brow, “So what is your type then, huh, Choi Siwon?”

“He’s not my type because I don’t have one. I’m not interested in being in a relationship.” Siwon said while walking to their next class.

“Not yet...” Leeteuk said to himself.


Leeteuk groaned in pain, Siwon stopped moving which made the smaller man hit his head hard on his rocklike back. “Siwoooonnie?” Leeteuk questioned but Siwon wouldn’t move or answer. His gaze was fixed on a figure who was smiling at the two younger men. “Y-Y-Yesung...?” Siwon asked quietly, he could feel the familiar, smaller man staring at him with intense eyes.

“Aw, you still remember me, Siwon?” Yesung said with excitement. He walked closer to the young man with a grin that made Siwon wince, making Leeteuk even more confused. When Siwon backed away, Yesung pouted at him before opening the door for them so he could start class.

Leeteuk stopped Siwon from following Yesung to the classroom, “Siwon, who is he?” Siwon brushed his arm off of his shoulder, “My old teacher in grade eight, we weren’t in the same class that time so you didn’t know him.”

“Is he nice?”

“S-Sure.” Siwon shivered as he closed his eyes.


Yesung frowned when he saw Siwon staring at some brunet student near him. He was sure that he was the kid Siwon was staring at in the courtyard up close with loving eyes. Yesung pondered about it when the students were studying... Kim Jongwoon did resemble him a little. If only their hairstyle and hair color were the same then they could’ve been mistaken for siblings or possibly twins if Yesung was a little shorter. Yesung chuckled to himself; Siwon and he have a lot of catching up to do.

au, yewon, angst, romance, smiling faces, nc-17

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