Hi . . . I decided to join up with this community after seeing
rosehiptea's "Haven" stories. Great stuff, really . . .
Anyway, I hope you like my postings.
Name: Caitlin Woods, aka
akilikaStory Title: Identity
Pairing: Morgan/Lyle
Theme: 15 Shots
IdentityRating: PG for violence.
This first segment is comprised of six images between 70 and 100 KB--I wasn't sure how modem-friendly it would be to stack it all behind a cut. Nevertheless, if you want to see all of the images on the same page,
click here. Or, if you'd like to be able to click through to the next page rather than come back and click on the next link,
start here.
Otherwise (or if you'd just prefer to avoid Angelfire), the links are below. (From Photobucket--don't worry, I know you can't direct-link Angelfire images.)
Page OnePage TwoPage ThreePage FourPage FivePage Six Hope you enjoy. ^_^