Author's Name:
punkedoutotter Titles: Break up and Break stride
Pairing: Arianna and Gabriel
Your theme: 15 Breaks
Rating: G
Break up - After the relationship is strained to it's limit by the hidden truth of Gabriel's metastasizing possession (it's sort of like soul cancer, really), Gabriel chooses to break it off with her. But he doesn't want to! In his heart he loves her, but he's afraid that if she stays close to him, Tawhiri (the possessing spirit) will finally take over and hurt her terribly. This happens anyway, even after Gabriel's horribly painful decision. Gabriel still loves her, but she doesn't know that. ANGST.
Break stride - right after
this happens, She neutralizes the viper poison in his system with her horn and actually brings him back to life. In doing so she breaks into his mind and finds out the truth about everything (she was rather out of the loop as far as information goes) and forgives him. At the same time she also gets her memory back (turning into a unicorn is a bit traumatizing you know), and realizes what has happened to her. I can imagine during the race back to the keep that she has thoughts of simply bucking him off and leaving him to die in the forest, but in the end she chooses to save him. When he gets better, he sees her again and is set in charge of caring for her (lol Gabriel the squire).
She still isn't happy with him, and it takes a long time her to trust him again. She eventually does, though. After Gabriel gets the shit beaten out of him...again.
I figured this was easier than making a cut, as my pictures tend to be rather large.