Day Three - Health

Feb 04, 2010 00:16


Tuck (In) by arsenicjade [The OC; Summer Roberts]
Advanced Studies in Humanity (3/14) by v_angelique [Star Trek XI; Spock/Uhura; PG; When Uhura and the captain both get sick, something shifts.]
Gonna come back knocking by latentfunction [Supernatural; Bela; PG; "Sweetheart," the demon said, and smiled. "Everyone wants out of their deal, by the end. What do you think makes you so special?"]
Bits of Bliss (4. Office Politics) and (5. Inevitability) by mardahin [Torchwood; Gwen/Owen; PG-13; Five Reasons Not to Tie the Knot (at least in the Torchwood Universe)]
Case 001 by lady_writes [Original; PG; The first time Emily woke up, she was in a coffin and she hurt.]
Romantic Comedy 3/14 by misslucyjane [Supernatural RPS; Jensen/Misha; PG; Misha loves Jensen. Jensen is … getting there.]
There Must Be Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover (8-11/50) by pocky_slash [In Plain Sight, The West Wing, Stargate Atlantis, Torchwood; Mary/Marshall, Sam Seaborn/Will Bailey, Sam Carter/Jeannie McKay, Jack/Ianto; G-PG; Sam Seaborn doesn't want to go, Sam Carter never intended to stay, Mary was never there to begin with, and at least Jack left his coat.]
These Constant Dreams that I Pursue (3/14) by aecamadi [Star Trek XI; Gaila/Christopher Pike; G; Chris is always by her side.]


Fic Recs by sanest [Leverage; Parker]
Music Recs by rebecca_star [14 Female Fronted Indie Bands or Singers]
Music Recs by bexone [9 Songs; Warning, may be triggering]


Devotion by wendelah1 [X-Files; Commentary on a vid prompt posted at halfamoon, discussing the lyrics to "Devotion," by the Indigo Girls, as they apply (or do not apply) to Special Agent Dana Scully.]


Essay: Health and Athletics by modillian
Lyndon by prairiedaun [A muliti-colour feather and fan baby blanket.]

HUGE thanks to tassosss for compiling and coding this round-up!

health, day 3

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