[Day 11] Economics & Work

Feb 11, 2009 23:24

Socks and Keys and Stuff (and John) by lavvyan [PG; SGA; John/Rodney; Rodney McKay was a collector. A collector of lost things.]
Non-Exempt by arsenicjade [G; Law & Order: SVU; Olivia]

25 Icons by hermitsoul [Icons of Greta Salpeter]
Not A Number by vipersweb [PG; HP/The Prisoner; The houses on Privet Drive, located in Little Whinging, Surrey, looked exactly alike, nothing to distinguish one house from the other save for the presence of a fence, or lack thereof. Even now, some thirty years after his experience in the Village, he got hives when he saw such uniformity. He thought it all rather unnatural.]

Fic Recs by sansets [7 Bandom Fic Recs, Alicia Simmons-Way centric]
Art Recs by secretsolitaire [10 HP Art Recs]
Blog Recs by nokiaangel [4 cooking blog recs]

on women in the Civil Service, trade unionism and equal pay by memories-child
This is about Martha Wainwright and how amazing she is by rebecca-star

Adama Shawl by an-kayoh [14 knits for 14 days - shawl]
and this twisted fantasy by macey-muse [original poetry]
4 recipes from my kitchen by lady-writes [a few of my family's favorite quick(ish) recipes]
Podcasts by general_jinjur [astolat's the dark side, trinityofone's as well as valor, and annakovsky's i am a visitor here, i am not permanent]
Magrat Socks by prairiedaun [Named for Magrat from the Discworld books. Straightforward and (some would say) plain socks.]
Household Hints & Cooking Tips by gblvr [because who doesn't need shortcuts?]

2009, economics and work, round up, day 11

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