14 Valentines, Day 11

Feb 11, 2009 20:26

Today's topic at 14valentines is economics and work.

I don't have anything on this particular topic, so instead I'm posting some HP art recs -- women-centric and generally non-porny. Again, if you think you've seen some of these before...you probably have. :-)

The Death of Narcissa Black by winkout (eventual Lucius/Narcissa, hard R, various warnings)
I almost missed this one because I'm not really interested in Narcissa and the warnings kind of scared me, but I am so glad I finally decided to check it out. It's a combination of fic and art, telling a unique story of Narcissa's life accompanied by spare, powerful watercolors.

At the Dance by mockingbirdq (Rose Weasley/Lovegood girl, PG)
I really like the soft colors and facial expressions in this one -- they both look quietly satisfied, and Luna's daughter seems to have a slightly possessive hold on Rose. :-)

Last Call by ships_harry (Rosmerta/Lavender, G/PG)
Yes, yes, I know you're not interested in this pairing, but do yourself a favor and go look at the art -- it's just gorgeous. There's such a soft, lush feeling to it.

Tonks by _odella_ (Tonks, G)
This is a nifty portrait of Tonks in action. She's gorgeous but also very real.

Untitled Pansy/Luna by hooh (Pansy/Luna, G)
I love hooh's art -- she does wonderful things with color and especially texture -- and this piece is just exquisite. There's such a soft, warm feeling to it, and both girls seem to glow. My favorite part is the way the sunlight plays off Luna's blonde hair. Gorgeous. There's also a second piece on the same page: a portrait of Gabrielle Delacour, whose eyes are absolutely haunting.

Untitled Hermione by kasche (Hermione, G)
A simply drawn Hermione with gorgeous eyes.

Untitled James/Lily by sherant (James/Lily, G)
Awww. How smitten is this James? And how 70's flower child is this Lily? :-D Wonderfully romantic.

Bellatrix Lestrange Portrait by shatzy_shell (Bella, PG)
There's something so nifty about the style of this -- I love the crazy waves of her hair and the subtly malicious look in her eyes.

Little Push by ships_harry (Tonks, I would say this is worksafe unless you look really closely!)
I love the clever concept of this, but even more I like the way the author pulls it off -- the funky colors, the mix of pop art and something much more ethereal. Another commenter called it "luscious," and I think that's a great word for this.

Portraits of Ginny and Andromeda by hooh (Ginny, Andromeda, both G)
And another couple of pieces from hooh. They're both great, but I adore the Andromeda one -- such powerful eyes.

As always, please leave a little love for the artist if you enjoy something!

james/lily, gen, 14valentines, rosmerta/lavender, rose/lovegood girl, recs: hp art, pansy/luna, lucius/narcissa

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