January 26, 2012
And so it begins.
Armed with sodium bicarbonate and maple syrup, I now march to my ultimate battle - the fight for my life. My mission is to kill one deadly adversary, so deadly that it is known to kill more and more people over the years. I am one of those people that it afflicted. And I swore to myself that while I'm still alive, I will do everything I can to kill it. A lot of people say that it's dangerous, yes. But I know better and I believe in myself.
The deadly adversary that I'm talking about? Cancer.
Yes. Cancer is not a modern disease. People have been afflicted by this dreaded illness for thousands of years. Until now, no cure has been found. That's what they thing.
My front liners - sodium bicarbonate and maple syrup. Sodium bicarbonate is known to be one of the most alkaline things that has ever graced the earth. While cancer patients are known for their extreme acidic body pH. Yes, cancer thrives in an acidic environment. The body becomes acidic when it lacks oxygen to ferment glucose, thus turning to lactic acid for help. This makes cancer cells really happy. But no, in my system, their happy days are over.
1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate plus 2 teaspoons of maple syrup. Honey, brown sugar and black strap molasses could be a good alternative as well. Better, in fact. Mixed in 1 cup of water makes it a powerful alkaline solution. Yes, I'm drinking it right now and I gotta tell you that the taste is awful. But that doesn't stop me from taking it, Nothing can.
I've read a lot of testimonials from the internet those with terminal bone and prostate cancer are still alive and healthy after so many years because of this solution. They stated that at 7.5 pH, the cancer cells become dormant. By maintaining the body pH at 8 daily, the cancer cells die. Not to mention that making the body's pH alkaline makes it easier for oxygen to get into the body and pass on the nutrients to the normal blood cells, not the cancer cells. Cancer cells hate oxygen, you see. I'm looking to get into a simple Tai Chi program next week, for starters.
So the war has began. And like what they say, God's creation - nature, is the most powerful weapon that one can wield, even more powerful than the deadliest army that walked this earth. And of course, this will never be possible if God and the people whom I love aren't with me. They're the ones who give me the strength and the determination to move on.
I subscribed to another mobile broadband provider. Sun Cellular. Yes, the same as my cellular service. I tell you, this is way faster than Globe. I guess I should've just subscribed to Sun Cellular in the first place. But then, we have two internet connections now. Globe Broadband for the pc and Sun Cellular for my laptop. Come to think of it, Globe actually runs faster when connected on the pc, than connected on the laptop. Weird. Speaking of laptop, I also bought a carry case for it, in case I'd need to bring it somewhere. In pink, yeah you got it.
I also bought a jade necklace with a little golden rabbit that spins inside it when it is moved. They say that jade brings good health and gold means good wealth. I also bought a matching jade bracelet and a rosequartz bracelet too. They say that rosequartz protects your relationship and maintains the harmony between lovers. Yes, I know that my bf and I don't need that stuff. Our love is the strongest thing in the world. But I don't know, it sounds silly but with this rosequartz, I feel closer to him than ever before. I even feel like I can protect him.
Or maybe it's just mind over matter. I'd still love him with the same intensity, charms or no charms.
So it starts. Wish me luck you guys. See you around.
Ja ne.