More randomly random randomness!

Aug 03, 2011 02:54

 So...K-pop flash mobs are fun even though I couldn't go to it.  There's 3 videos of it on YouTube...

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All 3 are uploaded by the same user, the other 2 are from a different angle.  I find it hilarious that the Chik-Fil-A cow joined in...considering Onew's (SHINee) love of chicken...  XD  Also, check out the cute little SHINee fanboy in the other vids.  He's adorable. :D (Wait till Lucifer comes on, it's near the end.)

So yeah...there's that.  Also...Arakawa Under the Bridge is amazingly funny so far.  Only seen EP00 without subs and the subbed version of EP01, but still enjoyed them both.  "Sorry, your nonsense made me speechless,"...yep, love that Shun-kun's character too.  He's just awesome.  Shirota Yu is pretty funny as Sister also.  XD

On another random note, I never thought I'd be afraid of Ohno "Marshmallow-Butt" Satoshi...but watching the beginning of his dorama Maou 
quickly proved me wrong.  That man is kowaii (scary!!)!!  Ikuta Toma is in it as the detective that hangs people off the edge of buildings till they tell him what he wants to know.  So used to seeing him as Nakatsu that it's hard to see him in any other role.  Maybe that's why I was so surprised by Ohno's character...I'm so used to seeing him as the useless leader of Arashi that constantly gets his marshmallow ass molested by the other members.  XD

Also recently watched Minami-kun no Koibito (Minami's Girlfriend)  starring Ninomiya Kazunari (also of Arashi fame) - it was VERY funny throughout the series (12 episodes I think) - though I was a little disappointed with the ending.  I'm not sure if there's a special episode or not - will have to look into it.

Episode 2 of Ouran High School Host Club was pretty funny too.  I enjoyed it.  Definitely a LOT of fan-service in that show.  Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge, the live-action adaptation of The Wallflower was that way too.  XD  I can't complain about fan-service...really.  

kpop flash mob, random, doramas, fan-service, arashi

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