Even Through Cloudy Days

Mar 26, 2011 00:00

Who: Joshua and limitless_land
Where: Shibuya
When: Post-Vatheon
Warnings: UM...I DON'T KNOW? IT'S RATED T! Starting in third person, and you can set the style, Twi. ♥

You are not alone )

twi, ryuu, [canon] the world ends with you, [canon] kingdom hearts

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You are not alone~♪ limitless_land March 26 2011, 15:46:38 UTC
It had been a while since he visited such an advanced world, that much was certain. Yet above the busy streets teeming with life, he could still sense the stronger presences disguised by the differentiating planes from the normal human view. Though, that didn't stop him from seeing a couple people with wings ( ... )


oh_neku_dear March 26 2011, 16:02:58 UTC
"Depends on your perspective," he replied with a giggle. Joshua took a brief moment to give his companion a once-over, seeing for himself all the changes the Master rank had bestowed upon him. A little calmer, a little older, and yet not too much changed at the heart.

A couple Players rushed by them, in a hurry to get to the destination told to them in the text message they had likely received. The Composer paid them no mind, but it reminded him that he was still in need of a Conductor. No rest for the wicked, as they say.

"Master Riku, now, is it? How's that going for you?"


limitless_land March 26 2011, 17:18:41 UTC
"Perpetual night and rainstorms... I think I prefer the sun," he muttered with a faint smirk. For once he didn't mind the once-over, merely kept walking as Joshua did so. It had been a long while and he had a few more scars to add to what had already marked him.

Riku watched them pass by, momentarily pursing his lips before he recollected himself. Hm... And was it that obvious?

"Hectic." There's a faint chuckle in there; somewhere. "We still have to find the previous generation. It's hard to locate places so close to the dark." Not to mention... the full-fledged original Xehanort still being on the loose. Sigh. A Master's work is never done.


oh_neku_dear March 26 2011, 17:31:38 UTC
"I think after the escapade in a proverbial Atlantis helps with that," the teen added helpfully. Damn was it nice to have all of his powers back, not to mention being back in his city.

It was obvious to him, but he had spent many years being with people of various strengths and Imaginations. Feeling the power that came off of Riku at the moment was a big clue for him. Not to mention his promise of visiting once he had achieved Master rank.

"I would also hazard a guess that being in the dark for so long would've put on quite a strain on their light," Joshua mused, "But though the light may have dimmed, it's still possible to track them down. After all, they're likely the brightest spot in a sea of shadows.

"So, what brings you to Shibuya?"


limitless_land March 26 2011, 18:58:32 UTC
"More than likely." He chuckled, glad to have his power back, too... plus some thanks to the roundabout way Yen Sid tested his and Sora's strength of heart. Being able to traverse the worlds again... He loved it; missed that freedom along with the ability to visit home whenever he pleased.

Though he would miss Demyx- huh. Now he had to wonder if Sora or Roxas killed an overly strong water-type Heartless. Oh well, getting of track, here.

"Exactly. Though we can tell they're still alive, it's difficult to track..." Hunting down Larxene with them all, surrounded by hell hounds seemed like a fleeting dream, now. Back to a time when everything was less complicated. "They've changed quite a bit since we last saw them under the sea."

That last question, though. It earned a chuckle. "Isn't it obvious? I promised to visit after I had shown the Mark."


oh_neku_dear March 26 2011, 19:29:33 UTC
"There's so much people take for granted," Joshua commented airily before nudging Riku, "Take a right here. How much can you see here, by the way?"

He had to admit that visiting a new city had been a nice change of pace, but nothing beat home. There were times he envied those who weren't bound to this city, and could freely wander into the other districts. Riku had been fairly close to the barrier that separated the UG Shibuya from the rest of Tokyo.

"Like finding a needle in a haystack?" the teen nodded, "That's hardly a surprise. That city made quite a muck-up of time, didn't it?"

Joshua gave him a lazily amused smirk. "Not a business trip? Wonderful. Staying long?"


limitless_land March 27 2011, 16:14:00 UTC
"Far too much." Riku blinked at the nudge for a second, but did as was suggested. After all, he didn't know his way around this world and it was Joshua's home. How much could-? "Living people wandering the streets, and even if I were blinded I can still sense the dead." Some of them running around like chickens with their heads cut off, but that... went without saying.

"I take it I arrived during a Game?"

Needle in a haystack... He actually chuckled at that. "That it did... but at least it made for an easier job." Being more familiar with the hearts they needed to save definitely was a plus. "Too bad Sora is still horrible at tracking, just like his sense of direction."

You do not want to know how many times he got lost due to listening... You really don't. "Not entirely, anyway." And there's a smirk again. "There's only one thing I have to be sure of here, then it's just for fun.

"Until we find a way into the Dark Realm, which is what Sora's working on right now."


oh_neku_dear March 29 2011, 18:34:57 UTC
"Just making sure," Joshua giggled before elaborating, "Each city's borders are blocked by barriers for those in the UG. Anyone who dies in Shibuya, plays the Game in Shibuya, and can't go anywhere else. Each district's UG also has different rules, Game style, et cetera because they all have a different Composer."

He nodded, "Yep, just in time for Day 1, actually. Hence why the city's crawling with Players."

The Composer was simply amused by the remark. "I'm sure that getting to know them has also made it a compelling reason to help them. Good luck to you. I'm sure you'll need it with Sora's sense of direction."

No, Joshua was content with ignorance this time. "Oh? Care to fill me in?

"Sounds like a blast. How about Kairi?"


limitless_land April 13 2011, 22:20:14 UTC
Ah. So they had gotten close to one of the borders. That made some sense. He rests one hand in his pocket--his bad wrist was acting up a bit due it not being reset properly--as he listened. Heh. "Guess I still have some sense of timing."

It's just a faint joke, though; just as he absentmindedly watches a few players scramble around.

"That it did. Though, there's one more problem to tackle if what we learned is true." Sora's sense of direction was nothing if they couldn't locate the shadow who yet lingered in the back of his mind, if only in the regrets he holds for what he once did ( ... )


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