Even Through Cloudy Days

Mar 26, 2011 00:00

Who: Joshua and limitless_land
Where: Shibuya
When: Post-Vatheon
Warnings: UM...I DON'T KNOW? IT'S RATED T! Starting in third person, and you can set the style, Twi. ♥

Same streets. Same music, yet different all at once. That was what made Shibuya, and perhaps other cities as well, so unique. The music changed subtly every day, but it kept the core of what it was, what made it Shibuya. It was one of the finer points of being the Composer, what made it a bit worth the sacrifice made to obtain the lofty title. Hearing the rhythm, hearing the people, feeling the life and flow of the city...that was what made the Composer. A supposed protector of the city, for without the city there would be no Composer. It was his or her life, quite literally.

Then, there was a disturbance in the usual ebb of the music. A note that was distinctly out of place in the orchestra, something only someone with intimate knowledge of what the city was supposed to sound like would pick up. Joshua was one of those people, being the current Composer of Shibuya. It wasn't an unfamiliar note, either. It was...something he hadn't heard in a long time. A wave of nostalgia flowed over him, and he smirked.

It was time to pay the city a visit.

Thus, he walked the streets as his teenaged self, the form he took on in the RG. Weaker, yet still undeniably powerful. A god in flesh, one could say. Eventually, Joshua came upon the familiar figure lost in the crowd, a few people away from him. Still smirking in that always-present calmly amused facade, he picked up his pace to walk next to the other silver-haired teen.

"Lovely weather, wouldn't you say?"

twi, ryuu, [canon] the world ends with you, [canon] kingdom hearts

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