My favoritest podcasts.

Jan 12, 2010 11:23

I listen to a lot of podcasts. These are some I recommend (I subscribe to them all via iTunes, but I'm just going to give you the links to their actual websites), if you too, enjoy podcasts:

PRI's The World. World news, usually informative and entertaining. Daily.

The World in Words. Any other language nerds out there? This weekly podcast, by one of the reporters for The World, is about language in the news and current language issues. I love languages, and I adore this podcast.

Savage Love. Ooooh Dan Savage, ILU, even though sometimes you piss me off. Sex and relationship advice. Often very funny. A GOLDMINE for J2 story ideas, I swear.

12 Byzantine Rulers. Um. Are there any history nerds on my flist? This podcast is SUPER entertaining. (It's complete now, so you can download the whole thing at once.)

The History of Rome. This is still ongoing; the podcast dude usually updates once a week. It's not quite as high quality as 12 Byzantine Rulers, but it's still quite good, and the podcaster is very responsive to people's questions and concerns, which is kind of neat.

The Bugle. Made by John Oliver of The Daily Show and his friend Andy Zaltzman, also a comedian. It's sort of like a personality-driven, British, audio version of TDS. Really hilarious.

podcasts, this is what procrastination looks like, i am easily amused

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