I'm attempting to learn more by doing... Wish me luck.

Jan 23, 2010 15:57

Alright... Let's see how this goes.
I've obsession over reading this awesome fic by blcwriter, blcwriter called Presbyopia I have NO idea how to not make this whole paragraph a link. JoHTML!fail... ... and it's a great Star Trek XI fic. It's Team Jones (I doubt anyone who would possibly read this wouldn't know what that means, but I'll explain anyway: The ship for James T. Kirk and Leonard "Bones" McCoy.)

I have no idea what the paragraph above looks like, friends. It's all crazy HTML to me on my little livejournal app on my iPhone. I know some HTML, but it seems I've forgotten at least half of what I did know. ::facepalm:: (zomgOSactioncolons!!)

Real life update time!
I worked today until lunch and then my boss let me go home. I'm still having killer anxiety chest pains. I did my usual the last two days of putting ice on my chest (yes, those medically inclined, I know it doesn't actually do anything, except maybe distract me, which in and of itself can help... Fail). The pain is sharp and jabby. Nothing I haven't experienced before, I have a long history w/ these asshole chest pains. Yay, me. ::scowl:: I ended up getting sick in my mouth before lunch (yum, sry guys) and my boss was all, 'Yeah. You need to get outta here? It's cool, I got this. Go rest.' so... Fun.

Got to see Avatar 3D again last night. Yay for that. Ben knew I'd had a bad week, so he let me pick Avatar again, but he did say it'd be the last time. :\ Okay, so maybe 7 times is a little excessive, but it's 3D!! And completely metal.

Ooo and day before yesterday, I fully bought Doom! and Pathfinders. i'm not obsessed... I swears... But it was fantastic! Swear it cost me at the most, $18 together. WIN!

Ummm... I'm going to a trivia night tonight again w/ my bff Michelle's family. I kinda suck a lot at trivia. Thankfully, her family are like trivia hustlers. And her brother and his friend Matt are kinda asshole cocky about their knowledge and ability, but I can't complain too much 'cause they do have the skills to back it up. It's weird to sit back and just have nothing to do but to eat Cocoa Puffs and look pretty. :D I did pull my weight though. I answered at least 3 questions. :D It's Michelle hangout time, so I won't complain about how failsome I am too loudly. :D

Hmmm... Do I have anything else to update? Still working on my Switch fanmix (crap do I not know the link to the fic, but I can link to the journal...
ceres_libera ... I think. Another Jones ship fic, this one of [at least] 49 chapters of epic proportion.)... (also, I don't think anyone reading this will be unfamiliar w/ Switch, but how would I know... I am not even sure how to look at my profile to see who has friended me... ::NEWB::).

Also, I'm working on a fic for the st_xi_kink site (that or the st_xi_kink_meme) that wasn't filled ... Basically a 'She's All That'esque storyline. It'll be my first tentative steps into the world of writing Star Trek fanfiction. I hope I don't screw it up. I'm more used to writing little snippet one-shots of fics that a full story. So... Yeah, we'll just see how this goes...

Wish me luck?

Also, I tried doing a cut here and it was spazzing. So, sorry for the mega post in your friends feed. :\

Posted via LiveJournal.app.

fic, via ljapp, fanfiction, figuring it out!, recommendation, lj, reboot, self tutorial, star trek xi

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