Misc graphic dump - a-war-of-roses entries

Dec 22, 2020 10:50

for Casting Coup d'État at a-war-of-roses

So... I listen to a LOT of Old Time Radio. Mostly Gunsmoke. I've tried to watch the TV-version, I really have... but there's just something about the radio-version. I blame Bill. Anyway... because I'd watch the hell out of it: Gunsmoke, BBC-style

Helen Mirren as Miss Kitty

Idris Elba as Marshall Matt Dillon

Peter Capaldi as Doc Adams

Rupert Grint as Chester Proudfoot

sorry not sorry, Biz

for Want a Twinkie, Genghis Khan? at a-war-of-roses

+ Disney's Pocahontas
+ Gladiator
+ The Patriot

01. Pocahontas - Yes, it's Disney, so it's got to have a happy ending and all that. But, Pocahontas was, like, 13 years old. She wasn't romancing John Smith in the weeds. And she married John Rolfe, anyway -- which they kinda-sorta fixed in the sequel, but too little too late. Thank God it was behind schedule, though, because it meant we got the glory that is The Lion King. (full disclosure: I've never actually seen this one, and I have zero interest in ever doing so. Good soundtrack, though...)

02. Gladiator - COMMODUS DID NOT KILL HIS FATHER. That is really all I have to say about that.

03. The Patriot - let's be honest: What isn't inaccurate in this movie? That said, I love it so much, because I just do. Okay?! But, seriously, they claim the big battle at the end (aka where Tavington gets his, Henry Higgins) is Cowpens. It isn't. (map left) They used the advanced from Cowpens in a similar setting to the Battle of Guilford Court House (map right). It made for better action, really, I guess. But, still... I think the only war movie more inaccurate is Pearl Harbor, which I've also not seen... but I digress

+ all images (probably) from GoogleImages, with thanks

non-fic: disney, graphics: disney, ~challenge, .a-war-of-roses, non-fic: random, graphics: random, ~picspam

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