Fic: A Woman Scorned

May 24, 2016 13:34

Title: A Woman Scorned
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Kirk and Sulu (mention of Scotty)
Rating: G
Summary: Scotty crossed the wrong girl, and Kirk's loving every minute of it.
Warning: you pick the 'verse *Written for Dear Diary at gameofcards, as a reward fic for kitmerlot1213, over at 1-million-words
Disclaimer: The original and current characters belong to Gene Roddenberry, CBS, UPN, Paramount, JJ Abrams, all the movie folks, the TV folks, and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

Jim Kirk sighed heavily as he dropped into his chair on the bridge. Making a face, his eyes took a quick pass of the activity on the bridge before he reached for the button on the chair's arm.

"Captain's Log," he started, pausing for a moment to check the actual stardate. "...Report from Engineering has found no discernible anomalies in the Replicator system. After extensive diagnostics and a half dozen slices of blueberry pie," Kirk sighed, leaning back to rub his stomach, "the consensus is that the Replicator is not working only," Kirk punctuated, raising his voice just enough to ensure the tone of his report was clear, "for Mister Scott." Kirk let out a deep breath and smirked as he stared at the floor.

"Which serves him quite right for having the gall to expound platitudes and downright fawn over the design specifications for the new Jupiter class ship. In front of the entire... senior... staff. And, dare I add," Kirk continued, his performance becoming more and more dramatic with every word, "to suggest that that hunk of junk would end up being the most gorgeous ship in the fleet, if not the entire universe!?"

Ahead on his left, Sulu was trying very hard to hold a straight face and continue his work, but the show Kirk was putting on had nearly everyone on the bridge smiling. "Supplemental," Kirk continued, taking a breath and leaning forward, so his words could only be heard by the ship's recorder, "the Enterprise is the most gorgeous ship in the universe, and I'm sure that Mister Scott has learned his lesson. So, no more rotten food for him. Deal?"

There was a dull thunk, overhead, which caused Kirk to smile, nod, and sit back in the chair. "I love this ship," he told Sulu, eyes sparkling with delight.

~challenge, .gameofcards, fic: star trek

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