Title: A View from the Porch
Author: Erin (
Characters, Pairing: Wyatt Cain and Adora (mention of Longcoats and Papay)
Rating: PG
Summary: He was feeling the weight long before he went into the suit
Warning: very pre-series,
Tin Man!Adora 'verse (or not) *Written for the
Five by Five challenge at
gameofcards. Prompts: Bottle, evening, jacket, old, tree
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.
Wyatt had been sitting on the front porch since the second sun went down. There was a chill in the evening air, but if it bothered him, Wyatt wasn't letting it show. There was a slight glow in the distance, far behind the trees, and he wondered how much of that light was from the fires burning to the west.
At least the Papay would be warm, Wyatt thought, then snorted as he raised the bottle to his lips.
The liquid burned going down; even he didn't know how long it had been stored in the old, run-down cabin his family was now hiding in. It tasted terrible, but that didn't stop him from having another swig, and another... and another.
Everything had gone downhill so quickly; faster than any of them had expected or been prepared for. The Longcoats moved in and started destroying everything in their path, blaming the Tin Men, the Resistance. It had been the fear of what the Longcoats would do to their family, their business... them, that had turned the people of the Outer Zone to the other side.
Those who dared to stand up to the army were made examples of... most often at the end of a rope in Central City Square.
There was movement behind him, but Wyatt didn't turn. He didn't have to look over his shoulder to know Adora was kneeling behind him. Her hand landed against his back and his eyes closed for a moment, before raising the bottle for another swig.
"You should come inside," she whispered. "It's getting cold."
"It's fine," he replied gruffly. Glancing down he knew an apology was in order. She didn't deserve that tone from him.
Adora said nothing, but leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the back of his head. "At least put on a jacket, then," she replied, then leaned back and returned to the warmth of the cabin.