Fic: To Believe or Make Believe

Apr 01, 2015 20:03

Title: To Believe or Make Believe
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Emma and baby Neal (mention of the Charming family and Arendelle clan)
Rating: G
Summary: Emma and Neal spend a moment of normal together.
Warning: sometime between Heroes and Villains and Darkness on the Edge of Town *Written for Writing Roulette at lands_of_magic. Prompt: fantasy, with a side of THIS onesie
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to Disney and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

Emma and baby Neal were alone in the loft, enjoying a quiet afternoon. David was at the police station, and Mary Margaret and Henry were both at school. After everything that had happened with the Snow Queen, Anna, Elsa and walls of ice, Emma Swan had decided she was due for a personal day.

Neal had been sleeping most of the morning, which gave Emma time to have some tea, do her laundry, and get caught up on the newspapers piling up near the door. Hearing his tiny, squirmy squeaks, Emma abandoned the half-done crossword puzzle in last Tuesday's paper and wandered over to the crib.

"Hey, you," she said in a low tone, leaning down to pick her little brother up. "Did you have a bad dream?" She was surprised at how easy it was to handle the baby, seeing as she had no previous experience. "You're a little warm," she whispered, feeling the heat radiating from the baby's head. "Are you warm?"

Neal squirmed again and started to cry. Having spent enough time around him, though, Emma knew that was his wet diaper-cry. "Okay, okay," she said, giving him a slight bounce as they moved toward the changing table. "We'll get you all dry and cool and, pretty soon, you'll be happy!"

As soon as she released the diaper, Neal stopped screaming. "What is it about men liking their pants off?" she asked him with a smirk. Neal grinned at her and kicked his legs, happily. It was another minute before Neal was wearing a dry diaper and Emma was resnapping his onesie.

She leaned forward and gave his tummy a light tickle. "Is that better? Is that better?" she repeated, smiling as Neal squealed. "Who's this on your shirt?" she asked, continuing to flutter her fingers against the baby's stomach. "Do you believe? Do you?" Neal squealed again.

"Do you even know who Snuffleupagus is, little brother?" she asked, making a face at him.

~challenge, .lands_of_magic, fic: once upon a time

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