Fic: Leader of the Pack

Jan 13, 2015 21:43

Title: Leader of the Pack
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Nikko and the Flying Monkeys
Rating: G
Summary: They have every reason not to follow him, but they do...
Warning: pre-1939 movie; written for the Backstory Challenge at gameofcards. Inspired entirely by noticing a small detail on the big screen.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

It's been a long day for Nikko, and he's so tired. But, with everything that has been happening, lately, the colony depends on him for leadership.

There is a change on the wind, and something is coming.

He nods as the next visitor ambles forward, to be judged on his worth. As soon as the monkey is in front of their leader, the others' chatter becomes silence, and they watch with great interest.

Nikko listens as the creature declares his allegiance and vows his service. Once the declaration is complete, Nikko gives him a smile - though to anyone not of their kind, the look is anything but kind - and nods. Motioning with his hand, Nikko gives his blessing and the crowd cheers.

It is very rare that one of them is turned away; usually, it's one of the very young, not yet strong enough to fight, or the elderly, who have already given too much.

Nikko is one of those who had given too much. That's why he's their leader. He's strong, nimble, sharp...

But he can't fly.

They trust him to lead, and he does. They go where he says, when he says.

They never question that he stays behind while they go out to fight, to die.

They know that he would be at the front of the line, if he was able.

They know he will protect them.

And that is why he is their leader.

~challenge, fic: wizard of oz, .gameofcards

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