Fic: Spinning Bottles, Part 2

Dec 21, 2014 23:12

Title: Spinning Bottles, Part 2
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Grissom, Giselle, and Catherine
Rating: G
Summary: The bottle did point to Grissom...
Warning: Long story short, Grissom and Giselle met in a now-closed RP. When it came time for them to leave, Grissom brought Giselle home with him. *shortly after Spinning Bottles *written for a 20-day OTP Kiss challenge. *for bizarra, whose Giselle made Grissom fall in love ♥
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to CBS and the Bruckster. Enchanted belongs to Disney.

Giselle yawned and shook her head. "I think I'm ready for bed," she announced. Giving a look to Grissom, the younger redhead smiled and pushed herself off the stool.

"It's early," Grissom replied. Giselle nodded and moved around the counter and into the kitchen, where he was still drying the dishes from earlier.

"It's been a very long day," she said matter-of-factly. "Do I still get to see Las Vegas, tomorrow?" Giselle added, looking between Grissom and Catherine.

"Of course," Grissom nodded, once he saw the nod from Catherine. Giselle bounced happily and then pushed up to kiss his cheek. As she pulled back, Grissom made a face at her.

"You said the person the bottle was pointing to gets the kiss," Giselle explained. She pointed to the bottle, which was now sitting upright. At the snort coming from the other side of the counter, Grissom made a face at Catherine, then gave Giselle a smile.

"Thank you," he told her before Giselle bounded around the counter and also gave a kiss to Catherine.

"You have everything you need?" Catherine asked, side-eyeing Grissom.

Giselle nodded. "Yes, thank you." She gave them both another smile, then turned toward the bedroom. "Goodnight!"

~challenge, fic: enchanted, ~drabble, fic: csi, ~crossover

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