Fic: College Days

Dec 03, 2014 14:22

Title: College Days
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Grissom and Catherine (mention of random casino guest and Brass)
Rating: G
Summary: Just when Grissom thought he knew it all...
Warning: written for a 20-day OTP Kiss challenge. This scene popped into my head, this morning, and it had to be done...
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to CBS and the Bruckster. The OCs are mine.

Grissom had stopped paying attention to what Catherine was saying as they stood next to the Roulette table. They were waiting for Brass before heading upstairs, but his attention was currently on a curly-haired woman who was across the casino floor, waving at him. His brow tightened, but he returned the wave as Catherine looked over.

Noticing the look on his face, and the wave, Catherine turned and smiled, spotting the woman. Raising her own hand, Catherine waved back then gave the woman a thumbs up, her eyebrows silently asking if things were 'all good'. The other woman beamed, raised her own thumb and nodded. A moment later, she raised her hand to her mouth, then blew a kiss to Catherine.

"Old friend?" Grissom asked as Catherine turned, assuming it was one of the showgirls she used to work with.

"Old girlfriend," Catherine replied with a sigh, letting some memories return to her. "Hot and heavy for a little while," she explained quite nonchalantly, then shrugged. "But she had more in common with my roommate."

Grissom said nothing, but his eyes were definitely wide as he processed this new information. Hearing Brass, Catherine turned and smirked at his expression.


~challenge, ~drabble, fic: csi

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