Fic: Making Regina Laugh

Oct 21, 2014 23:03

Title: Making Regina Laugh
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Regina, Henry, Mary Margaret, Granny (quick appearance by Emma and David)
Rating: G
Summary: Regina Mills is not amused ...often
Warning: *Written for Quotespiration at onceuponaland Prompt: "When people are laughing, they're generally not killing each other." (Alan Alda) *bad title is bad
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to Disney and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

As always, upon her arrival at Granny's, Regina stopped in the doorway and watched as all conversation stopped; all eyes trained directly on her without anyone really looking at her.

They were waiting to see what she was going to do, while she was waiting to see what they would do.

It was an awkward dance the whole lot of them had perfected, though Regina knew she had brought it on herself. She had always liked the feeling their fear gave her, but since Henry had run off to New York, returning with his birth mother and helping her to break the curse, Regina didn't enjoy the feeling as much.

Now, she just felt alone and unwelcome.

After a moment of awkward silence, everyone already inside Granny's went back to their business, convinced she wasn't going to turn any of them into mice or zap them into the middle of an iceberg. Regina glanced at the floor and counted the tiles as she moved to the counter and sat in the third seat from the end.

She wasn't sure what it was about that particular stool, but it was the only one she ever cared for, and she had been known to forcibly remove anyone stupid enough to sit in her seat.

"Coffee?" Granny asked in a slightly-impatient tone. The look on her face wasn't very welcoming, either, but Regina forced a smile and nodded. "Pot's still brewing, so it'll be a minute." Regina nodded and, once Granny turned, rolled her eyes. The tinkle of the door chimes caused Regina to turn just enough to see that the Charming family was coming in, as if the noise they were making wouldn't have made it obvious.

"Hi, Mom," Henry said, slipping in around David and dropping down onto the seat next to her.

"Hello, Henry," she smiled, honestly glad there was at least one person in the room who was glad to see her.

"You good?" Emma asked, leaning next to Henry on the other side and nodding when he did. She straightened and turned, following her parents to one of the booths.

Henry watched them sit for a moment, then spun back around and looked at Regina. "So?"

"So what?" Regina asked, shaking her head.

"So..." Henry drew out. "Birthday?" he finally supplied, giving his mother a nod. Regina closed her eyes and smiled, shaking her head.

"No, Henry," she replied. "I don't do birthdays." Regina shifted on her stool and forced another smile at Granny, who set down a saucer and cup in front of her, then poured fresh coffee.

"Why not?" Henry asked, leaning against the counter. "You have to," he insisted.

"No," Regina laughed, reaching for a sugar packet.

"Not a good enough reason," Henry countered.

"I don't need to give you a reason," she said, fighting a smile. This was a fight they had every year, and she secretly loved it.

"Yes, you do. Because, until I get a good reason," Henry warned, leaning against her shoulder, "I'll plan a party and you won't know about it and you won't be able to stop me." He gave her a proud smile and leaned back so she couldn't flick him with the sugar packet.

"I don't like celebrating my birthday, Henry." She didn't really have a good reason for it, at least not without going into details involving her mother.

"That's because she doesn't want anyone finding out just how old she really is," Mary Margaret said, having stepped up next to Henry just as Regina spoke. Regina rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. "Oh, come on," Mary Margaret needled, reaching over to give Regina's shoulder a nudge. She completely ignored the glare her step-mother gave her and smiled. "It's funny."

Regina, in that moment, couldn't actually think of a response and simply snorted. Mary Margaret's face lit up and she pointed to Regina. "HA! That was a laugh! She can laugh!"

"That was not a laugh. I do not laugh," Regina insisted, shaking her head and adding volume to her tone. But, she could tell by the look on Mary Margaret's face that the younger woman wasn't going to let it slide.

With a sigh, Regina closed her eyes and shook her head. "Admitting my age," she began, mindlessly dumping the contents of the sugar packet into her coffee, "also admits yours, Snow." Regina gave the sugar packed a flick, then turned to give a raised-eyebrow to Mary Margaret, who's mouth had opened in shock and then promptly clamped shut.

"Ha," Regina said, simply, before picking up her coffee mug with a smile.

~challenge, fic: once upon a time, .onceuponaland

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