Fic: Celine Tickets

Jul 05, 2014 19:49

Title: Celine Tickets
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Grissom, Nick, and Super Dave (mention of Doctor Robbins and Celine Dion)
Rating: G
Summary: An interesting package just arrived at the Las Vegas Morgue.
Warning: pre-Jackpot (Episode 406), by about five minutes *Written for the Missing Moments challenge at tv_universe.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to CBS and the Bruckster.

Nick was walking down the hallway, half-reading the file in his hand and half-watching where he was going. "Hey, Super Dave," he said, noticing the Assistant Coroner quickly coming his way. Stopping, Nick raised an eyebrow. "Are you lost?"

Super Dave was never in the lab.

"Hey, Nick," David nodded as he stopped in front of the CSI. "Have you seen Grissom?"

Nick turned slightly and shook his head. "Not lately. Why?"

David shook his head. "Nothing. Thanks," he quickly nodded, then stepped around Nick.

"You try his cell?" Nick asked, turning to keep facing Dave.

"Yeah. No answer." David waved to Nick and kept moving down the hall. "Thanks."

David turned the corner and ducked his head into the various labs until he'd checked all of them. After the last one turned up no Grissom, he stood straight and let out a heavy sigh.

Turning back, David started to pull his cellphone from his pocket when he spotted Grissom at the other end of the hall. "Grissom!" he called, then hurried toward the Night Shift Supervisor.

Grissom raised an eyebrow as David came toward him. "Are you lost, David?"

David pulled back for a moment, then shook his head and continued toward Grissom. "No. Doctor Robbins," he said quickly, between breaths. "Head. In a box. From Jackpot." Grissom's eyes narrowed as he tried to decipher David's message.

"Jackpot?" Grissom asked, trying to place the name. "Where is that?"

Dave shook his head and pointed. "Don't know. Box. Open."

Grissom held up a hand and shook his head. "Take a breath, David." David nodded then sucked in a breath. Grissom watched him for a moment and then nodded once. "And let it out." David complied before nodding.

Grissom nodded with him then smirked. "Say hello to Celine for me, David."

~challenge, .tv_universe, fic: csi

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