Fic: Bad Dream

Jul 05, 2014 16:39

Title: Bad Dream
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: DG (mention of Carter and Gulch)
Rating: PG
Summary: That one watched like some weird movie.
Warning: immediately post-series *Written for Ending Rewrite at writerverse. Prompt: write an alternate ending to a story
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

"That's the Oh Zee I remember," DG said as she glanced out over the land. A moment later, there was an odd, annoying sound coming from behind her, and she turned, but saw nothing.

The noise grew louder, more persistent.

"What is that?" she asked, though no one else in the room seemed to hear it. Turning again, DG had a half-realization that it sounded almost exactly like her alarm clock.

Alarm clock.


DG bolted up in bed and pushed her hair off her face as she tried to focus enough to reach her alarm clock.


That had been the most vivid dream she'd had in a long time. Those post-shift chili fries after closing didn't taste so good, at the time. No wonder she'd had such a tripped-out dream of leather-Nazis, witches and Steampunk City.

As she hurried down the stairs, DG was a bit more concerned with getting to work before Carter fired her. Well, and not getting pulled over by Gulch.

Seriously, the guy must just sit around all day long, just waiting for her to go by.

As DG pushed through the kitchen, out onto the porch, and aimed for her motorcycle, she realized that - as long as she could remember most of it by the time she was off-shift - she'd have one hell of a plot for her Creative Writing assignment, which was due on Friday.

~challenge, .writerverse, fic: tin man

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