Fic: You Can Analyze the Reasons

Aug 21, 2009 12:09

Title: You Can Analyze the Reasons
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Stephen, Natalie, Frank and two OCs, with appearances by Eva and Miles (mention of Kate)
Rating: PG
Summary: Stephen and Natalie have a skill for not talking about what they're actually talking about.
Warning: post-series, the morning after Statistics
Disclaimer: The original characters of Medical Investigation belong to NBC and their respective actors. The OCs are mine. The title is from Marriage is the Leading Cause of Divorce by Michael Peterson.

Statistics are Deceiving | You Can Analyze the Reasons

By the time Stephen was up and moving, the sun was up and Miles and Frank were packing up their equipment outside the house. He spotted Eva talking to Tali, pointing to a report and turned as Raoul moved to his side. "Good morning, Doctor," Raoul said with a wide grin.

"You're looking better," Stephen teased with his own grin. Raoul shook his head.

"No, it is your Doctor Durant who is well. I am jealous." He gave Stephen a wink and held out a hand. "Thank you, again, for all your kindness. It is appreciated by all of us," he said with a wave to indicate the village.

"I'm glad we could help," Stephen nodded. Both men turned a moment later when a truck came around the corner and stopped in front of Miles and Frank. "Stephen!" Frank shouted as Miles and the driver began loading the cases. Stephen shook Raoul’s hand again and waved to Tali before moving over to help Frank.

"Where's-" he started to ask.

"Natalie headed back to the plane to send in the reports. Kate will issue a warning for this whole region and get medicines sent to the local hospitals." Stephen nodded again and waited for Eva and Miles to get into the truck before he climbed in. Frank got in last and pulled the door shut as the driver got in and took the four of them to the airfield.


He didn't get a chance to talk to Natalie before takeoff, past a quick report from her regarding the call to Kate, but Stephen didn't really know what to say to her. By the time he'd returned to the house, everyone was asleep and he was exhausted. Deciding that Natalie's comments were brought on by the alcohol, Stephen put himself to bed, hoping to get a few hours of sleep.

He prayed that, upon returning to Maryland, they wouldn't be called out right away. About two hours into the flight, Stephen decided it was a good time to go for a walk. Miles was asleep in the corner, Eva was working on reports and Frank was sitting at the conference table, doing an inventory of his kit. He gave Stephen a nod, but said nothing.

Instead, Frank nodded toward the suburban and went back to counting swabs. Stephen passed behind him and pulled a bottle of water from the small fridge, then headed through the doorway leading into the cargo space. He moved along the length of the vehicle, stopping at the passenger window and holding the bottle up.

Natalie's eyes caught his for a second before she reached for the bottle and nodded. "I wasn't kidding about the vacation," he said calmly, staring at the far wall. Natalie frowned, but she didn't respond. After the previous night, she probably should have been fired. Of course, if her job was on the line every time she had a drink... well, the fridge in her office wasn't stocked with water, after all.

"I mean," he shrugged, "I'm not saying you have to go somewhere. You can sit in your apartment for three days, or go to the park. Or, if you want to go someplace, you can, obviously," Stephen began to ramble.

"Stephen-" she started.

"I don't want you turning into me," he said simply. He leaned against the door and stared at her until she turned. "You were right, y'know," he nodded. "You are the better doctor." Natalie blinked, but managed not to react. "You're the anchor. You keep this boat in one place." She turned away, fighting the urge to roll her eyes and his horrible metaphor. "If you can't touch bottom, we drift."

Finally, Natalie winced and turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "It sounded better in my head," he admitted with a smile. Letting out a half-laugh and a half-snort, Stephen shook his head. "I need a beer." Natalie laughed and looked away again.

"Are we okay?" she asked tentatively. Stephen considered it for a moment and shrugged.

"We got drunk in Mexico. And we got paid for it. I call that a good day." Natalie wanted to laugh with him, but her mind went back to the ones who weren't so lucky and she frowned. "There was no earthquake," Stephen offered, seeing her demeanor change. That got a smile.

Knowing there was nothing else to say on the matter, Stephen decided to give Natalie the space she needed and he tapped the door twice. "Don't stay in here too long," he offered before pushing off the door and walking away.

"I won't," Natalie said quietly, staring at the dashboard.

Have I mentioned that I suck at titles? How about summaries? *headdesk*

fic: medical investigation

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