Title: A Damn Perfect Spot Fandom: Gotham Rating: M Characters/Pairings: Edward Nygma, Oswald Cobblepot Warnings: Violence and gore in reference to canon events. Reference to canon drug-taking and the resultant hallucination. Summary: Edward can appreciate a good crime scene.
...my true love gave to me five punishments, four floods of tears, three portents of doom, two buried secrets, and one outstretched hand.
Note: Tomorrow's fics will either be posted very late in the day, or will be posted on Friday as I am driving back to London tomorrow and fully anticipate spending most of my day in traffic.
Hopefully this shows up because after realising that, once again I had written a fic too many (you'd think I would be able to count by now), I removed one to go in my 'spares' document and LJ threw a wobbly and told my the connection had failed. Anyway, assuming anyone can read this...