lslaw wrote in 12dayschristmas Jan 06, 2011 22:18
harry potter, alice in wonderland, highlander, bagpuss, the worst witch, good omens, merlin, master of orion, buffy the vampire slayer, day 12, warhammer, arthurian myth, the matrix, lslaw
lslaw wrote in 12dayschristmas Dec 30, 2009 00:53
frankenstein, bagpuss, pinocchio, mythology, doctor who, dc comics, lslaw, folklore
lslaw wrote in 12dayschristmas Jan 05, 2009 22:18
darths & droids, bagpuss, sarah jane, good omens, discworld, day 12, the snow spider, warhammer, the matrix, doctor who, arthurian myth, lslaw, heroes
lslaw wrote in 12dayschristmas Jan 04, 2009 22:00
rpf, bagpuss, day 11, changes, father brown, dracula, sherlock holmes, corydon, midsomer murders, doctor who, arthurian myth, house, lslaw
lslaw wrote in 12dayschristmas Dec 28, 2008 10:08
bagpuss, arthurian myth, lslaw, day 3, sandman
lslaw wrote in 12dayschristmas Jan 06, 2008 00:35
day 12, harry potter, bagpuss, transformers, doctor who, farscape
lslaw wrote in 12dayschristmas Dec 30, 2007 23:38
babylon 5, bagpuss, mythology, the mausoleum club, transformers, the edge chronicles, day 6
lslaw wrote in 12dayschristmas Dec 27, 2007 09:03
bagpuss, strontium dog, day 2