fill in the blanks, part 1

Jul 19, 2009 19:21

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Title: Filling in the blanks for episode 69

Pairing: You have to ask?

Rating:  18

Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters or claim to own them. I make no profit other than easing the pain of broken fangirl hearts.

Spoilers: Up to ep. 70

Summary: Starts the night of the street festival and we all know what that means


We burst in through the door, and tried to stifle our laughter when we noticed Papá asleep on the sofa in the front room. My head was still spinning from the wine, my feet were sore from hours of walking and dancing, and I leaned back on the door jamb to watch Pepa and Sara laugh and joke with each other.

I shook my finger and teased Pepa for not winning me a prize in the shooting gallery and she looked scandalised.

“Those things are rigged!” she practically shouted, while Sara shushed her.

I clicked my tongue at her and smirked and she brought her hands up to form a fake gun with her fingers and adopted a shooting stance. “If I’d had my pistol I’d have won you every prize they had!”

She stomped off to the kitchen in a quest for food and Sara, giggling, again tried to quiet her. They came back and leaned against the counter. Sara’s mobile beeped with a text and Pepa leaned over, trying to spy while Sara shielded the screen. “That’s a boyfriend! Who else would call at 2 in the morning?”

Sara laughed and tried to divert her attention.  I said nothing but watched the exchange intently.

“Do you know how many calls come for me at 2 in the morning?” Pepa continued. She formed a zero with her fingers and grinned. “And why? Because no one thinks of me at two in the morning!”

I felt my cheeks begin to redden and tingle with heat and when she glanced over at me and caught my eye I quickly looked down, hoping she hadn’t seen me blush or noticed the embarrassment that rushed through me as I at once recalled that there had been several nights recently when I’d lain awake at 2 in the morning filled with confused thoughts about her.

“You need a good girlfriend!” Sara interjected, and then stumbled off, leaving us alone.

Pepa came over to stand beside me and my heart began to beat faster. Why did she always do this to me?, I wondered.  I shifted awkwardly and tried unsuccessfully to smile in a way that wasn’t too obviously enthusiastic.  I felt ridiculous, and half mortified with myself for acting like a schoolgirl with a crush. There were butterflies in my stomach.  My limbs suddenly seemed too long and gangly and I didn’t know what to do with my hands or how to stand, or where to direct my eyes. I brushed my hair from my face, simply to give myself something to do.

“I’m going to take off my makeup” She stated.

“I....I think I’ll go home” I said.

“Yes? Have a good rest.” She responded.

“Vale.” I answered.

She blew me a kiss and started to sneak back through the front room, past Papá.

I stood for a minute watching her go and then bent down to quietly put on my shoes.

I reached for my handbag and coat and turned toward the door, but just before I opened it I stopped short, brought my arm back down and tried to clear my head.  There was still a fluttering in my stomach and my arm tingled where Pepa had brushed against me a minute before.

I thought about the evening we’d just had. Even with Sara along it had felt like a date. I rolled my eyes and wondered what I was doing. This was crazy. She was my sister-in-law.  Was I really attracted to her? I knew she had feelings for me, but I didn’t know how strong they were or if they were anything more than a passing fancy.

I wondered what she might do if I followed her. I thought about this for about 3 seconds before I moved and the decision was made without my actually deciding anything. I dropped my handbag and coat on the table and skittered across the room, slowing down about half way when I remembered Papá on the sofa. Feeling like a teenager who’d come home past curfew, I snuck by him and started down the hall, pausing when I reached the door.  Before I could think enough to stop myself, I had one hand flat on the wood and the other turning the knob and I was slowly pushing it open.

As soon as I could see inside I caught Pepa’s look of surprise. She stared at me and then gave me a confused smile as she whispered, ‘hola’.

I gently closed the door and held her eyes as I circled round to stand behind her. She turned back to the mirror. I peered over her shoulder into the glass and she suddenly spun toward me, brandishing her package of facial tissues.

“Makeup wipe?” she asked.

I shook my head no and she turned her back to me again. One eye on the mirror to gauge her reaction, I crept closer, reaching out a shaky hand to touch her. She closed her eyes and once I had begun I couldn’t stop. My fingertips brushed along her neck and down her arms and soon she began to reciprocate. I couldn’t believe she was touching me, and how much I liked it. There were goosebumps on my arms and my skin burned. Before I knew it I’d stepped forward, and with my heart racing faster than I’d ever thought possible, tipped my head up to press my lips to hers. It was a quick kiss at first, a test, but when I pulled back she gave me the most beautiful smile that without thinking I leaned in again.

After our kiss at Sara’s communion party, I'd convinced myself the emotions I’d had ,and the electric sparks that had coursed through me, had stemmed from the fact that I'd never been kissed before, and that was why no matter how many times I'd searched to find that experience recreated with others, I’d always been left disappointed. But as I stood there kissing Pepa again, with my hands running up and down over the velvet skin of her bare back, I knew that the missing part of the equation had been her.

As our kisses grew deeper and longer, my knees began to grow weak , and it suddenly felt as if my legs would no longer support me. I broke away, buried my face against her neck and clutched at her arm for support.

I could hear the concern in her voice as she asked, "Is something wrong?"

"!" I half whispered. I started to laugh quietly at myself. "It's just...I couldn't feel my legs anymore".

She began to laugh with me. I looked up and we smiled at each other. Her face grew serious, and she reached up and brushed away a few stray locks of my hair.

“Will you stay?” she asked.

I kept my eyes locked with hers. "I don't want to leave" I said quietly.

She took my hand gently and pulled me with her as she backed slowly toward the door.  Just before she reached it, she dropped my hand and turned, slowly cracked the door and peered right and left.

"Coast is clear!"

She took my right hand again and with my left I reached up to hold the unbuttoned top of my dress closed. She started through the doorway, and I let her lead me along the dark hall to the back of the house. The clicking of my heels echoed off the walls. It sounded so loud to me, but no one stirred. I couldn't believe what I was doing. It was like leaping off a cliff, but I couldn't stop myself.

In the guest room, with her eyes glued to mine, she slowly undressed me. I stood there trembling and I began to blush and turned my face away, embarrassed at my nervousness. She took my chin in her hand, turned me back toward her and lowered her forehead to mine. Her breath was warm against my lips.

"Don't be afraid, princesa."

I nodded a yes and tried to calm my nerves. I honestly had no clue what was about to happen, but I knew that at that moment I could not be close enough to her.


When after so many years I’d first seen Pepa again in the shooting gallery of the precinct, I never thought that the tiny stirrings I’d felt in my heart would awaken something inside me that would lead me here. Being in her arms, in her bed, was like nothing I’d ever experienced.  No one had ever looked at me with such tender desire or touched me with such gentle passion. I’d never felt such an unquenchable hunger that brought me to pull her warm mouth to mine over and over, my tongue swirling against hers as I strained against her, arching my back and neck, gripping her shoulders, and holding her as tightly to me as I could. My jaw began to ache, but I didn’t care. I wanted to kiss her forever.

Abruptly she broke her mouth from mine, moved her lips to my neck and began to softly kiss a slow and meandering downward path to my shoulders, over my collar bone, my breasts, my belly.  The muscles in my abdomen twitched as she brushed her lips over my damp skin and traced a wet circle with her tongue around my navel. She raised her head and gave me a mischievous grin and my eyes widened and my breath caught when I realised exactly where she was headed. I swallowed and tried to keep breathing as I felt her hands slide up my thighs and gently press them apart.

Men had done this to me before, and there had certainly been very pleasant moments when they happened to chance on the right spot, but much of the time it had seemed as if they were a bit lost, wandering around and occasionally tripping upon what they were looking for but never quite maintaining the right amount of pressure or staying in the same place long enough.

Pepa, however, was clearly not lost. The entire universe seemed focused on the one point where her tongue pressed and stroked and swirled, creating pleasure so sharp it was almost unbearable.  I clutched helplessly at the sheets as I slowly lost the ability to form coherent thought.  I felt release begin to build inside of me, rising thick and liquid, like a bubble forming in a pool of lava.

I was unexpectedly painfully aware that my sister‘s room was only a few doors down the hall and I bit my bottom lip to keep from crying out as the bubble burst. I could feel it everywhere, throbbing deep inside and even up to my limbs, wave after wave washing over me and through me, and my hands fell limply to my sides and I lay there panting, feeling heavy and drained and barely able to move.

Pepa slid up over me and rested her forehead on my shoulder. My arms circled round her and I ran the palms of my hands down her back. Her skin was sticky and slick with sweat, I felt the tension in her shaking muscles, and when I shifted my leg up between hers she was hot and wet on my thigh.

I knew I didn't possess any of the skills she'd just shown me, but I wanted to give her something. I turned to whisper in her ear, “I don’t know what to do. Show me how to touch you.”

“You don’t have to do anything.” She answered.

“I want to.”

She took my hand, slipped it down between us and pressed two of my fingers to her and I watched with awe as she began to rock against me.  Her body moved sinuously and fluidly above me and I was enraptured. She looked so beautiful to me, it was indescribable.

I felt the pulsing beneath my fingertips when she gasped and collapsed onto me. She wrapped her arms around me and rolled us over so that I was on top.  With my face against her neck, I smiled and it soon turned to laughter.

"What's so funny, pelirroja?"

I pulled back a little and saw she was smiling too. I opened my mouth to speak, but my vocabulary was gone and I could only stare at her.

Suddenly I just burst out with it, "Dios, that felt amazing!"

"Yes, it did." she chuckled and gazed at me with a look of amusement.

I rolled off of her and we lay there laughing together for a few minutes until I noticed the time. “We should get some sleep if we’re going to work in the morning.”

She nodded in response and pulled me closer to her. “Good night, princesa.”

I tucked myself up against her side and rested my head in the centre of her chest. Our bodies had cooled and her skin was velvety smooth against me. I could hear her heart beating beneath my ear, strong and steady. I was exhausted but my thoughts were everywhere, and I wondered what would happen tomorrow. What did this mean? Were we together now?

Her fingertips traced shapeless patterns on my back and I finally grew drowsy and drifted off to sleep, leaving my confusion to be dealt with on another day.

ficity fic, let's go back to a happier time, pretty much romantic smut, filling in the blanks, lhdp

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