May 13, 2014 21:47
"Valley girls giving blow jobs for Louboutins. What you call that? Head over heels." ha ha ha
Quote from yesterday:
CJ: I like that--very nice (my necklace)
Me: Thanks. It's not real though.
Geoff: What does that matter? What does real mean? That's superficial.
Another quote from him a while back:
Geoff: What do we do?
Me: Uh, sit behind a computer? Write? Do research?
Geoff: No. At the end of the day, what we really do is we help people.
Always trust him to keep me in check with what's "real."
BTW why do I post more sometimes? That's when you know I'm procrastinating! I also post bits and pieces throughout many hours and post it, so it's not all at once.
Another random thought:
I miss cutting up fruit for Eric. I think of that when I cut up my fruit each day. I keep thinking it was last summer but it was actually TWO summers ago that I lived with him and we had a good routine going, and I really miss it! It was right after I quit a data entry job, right after I already got accepted into grad school, and I visited him and just never really came back until school started. It was nice because I had my little workstation set up, or I'd lounge on his sofa, and we'd take breaks to eat together while watching an episode, or I'd come over to watch what he was doing, or share my snacks and fruit with him, or refill our teas and sodas. It was nice because I stayed up late every night, woke up to take him to school, go shopping or explore a new area of the Inland Empire for a few hours, pick him up for lunch and spend some time for a few hours, then go to the store and get ingredients to try out some cool new recipe, or have my daily 4pm nap, and watch my girly shows, then pick him up for dinner time and cycle again. Being a house girlfriend was actually really fun! On weekends he could go out with his friends, but mostly I'd come, and we'd go to some bbq, or swim in his pool, or do our weekly grocery trip, and go to church, socialize, and maybe go out to see a movie. It was very comfortable, because we knew each other, but not in a negative comfort that most people refer to. If only I could go back, but I can't. That part of my life is over, but I'm so glad we had all those years and memories. I guess Riverside holds unique memories for all of us.
I set ALL my music to shuffle. I landed and am currently staying on Waking Ashland. I'm not sure what part of which year this reminds me of, but I vaguely remember it to be Winter of 2005, right after my somber Perishers phase. Guess who I got them from, wink wink. Full.Circle.