Yesterday it finally happened: I got the long-dreaded but much-earned e-mail entitled "Are you alive?" Yes I am,
kejn, thanks for asking!
It's all just been so intense. Michelle started school in the city before we moved and so I was packing up and showing the house while driving her into the city every day. Then we moved and the house had to be cleaned, so I went on commuting for another 3 weeks while trying to unpack. With Mikael mentally MIA, it really has been mostly me: packing, unpacking, cleaning, doing laundry, cooking, driving. A couple of times I said "Screw this" and escaped to Stockholm for some me-time, but mostly it has been boxes, kids and cleaning.
Oh, and I turned 40. Don't be offended: there was no party. What I did do is a mundane story in itself, so I will spare you the details. That same week I pulled Michelle out of her overcrowded, gifted-child-phobic new school. To be brief, she is now at June's daycare for lack of other kindergarten options. It's an excellent daycare, but my experience with Helsingborg's schools has already been so frustrating that I am working on creating a new blog for the sole purpose of wining writing about educational issues in Sweden.
Yes, and right before the house was sold, Mental got his tail caught in the electric hedge trimmer, lost an inch of it, the remaining tail got infected, and now he only has half a tail. As cruel as it may sound, I don't actually miss the rest of the tail because now he isn't constantly knocking things over with it. But I really could have done without the extra vet bills.
My school started the day we closed on the house. My educational journey has been a bit bumpy so far, but also overwhelmingly fun and I am learning more than expected about more than I expected. Perhaps I didn't mention I was going back to school? (I honestly have no clue when I wrote last or about what, I am just determined to get you all up to speed TONIGHT). So anyway, I am taking a two-year course in IT-project management that pretty much corresponds to my every need.
And finally I guess I should mention Sandy because I have family in Far Rockaway, NY that I can't get hold of and it's distracting me more by the day.
Otherwise I'm pretty good: more stressed, but also more me than I've been in quite awhile; the homeless, stressed out me, but hey - they say do what you're good at, right? (No, not homeless homeless, but I have no house. I need a name for my blog. I need new userpics. I need new dreams.) Having a social life has taken time away from my virtual social life, but my ability to merge the two is improving. For the moment, though, I really need to catch up on what you all have been up to. I haven't read anything on LJ in at least a month...