- Good - Bad - Ugly -

May 05, 2009 19:14

I just checked my final grades for the Spring and they are a whole lot better than I thought. Three As and one A-. The A- was in my horrible horrible Critical Analysis of Literary Theory class, which I honestly expected a B or less in. I learned nothing in that class, but the final was essay based, so I guess my writing skills benefited in the end.

The A- is definitely cool, but I'm more excited that I got an A in my Creative Non-fiction class, which was my biggest challenge this semester. Having that professor give me an A makes me feel that writing might be in my future after all; I just need to learn to write when I'm not enrolled in a writing course (possibly a goal for this summer?).

I got my yearly review at Target. It wasn't "bad" bad, but it wasn't what I expected or what I still feel it should have been. I got graded as "Effective", which is basically a C on a 5 point scale, Outstanding being the A and Uneffective being the F. I'd be fine with the score and the small (16 cent)  if I felt that everyone else at that store was doing just as much work as me. But they don't; they don't compare. I have one heck of a work ethic and I never sit still at that store, and I don't ever seem to get recognized for it. Bitches...


People today have been ugly (not physically, just their personalities). First the bitch at McDonalds who looked at me crazy when I handed her the McCafe punch card and then refused to go punch the damn thing.

Then at Wal-Mart the stupid cashier  bitch rang up all my stuff and then started ringing up AJ's stuff on my order even though AJ had just placed it on the damn table. She rang up four items before we corrected her, she didn't even bag them. But when we tell her what she's doing, she just stops and glares and says: "Ya'll can split it." "What--" "Ya'll can just split it." She was really refusing to hit a few keys on her keyboard and subtracting AJs items before completing the purchase. WTF? I cashier most times I'm at work, and I would never NEVER think to refuse something like that. AND why the fuck did I not go off on her? Sometimes I wish I could be that person to btich you out, but I don't know if I'll ever get there.

Then on the way home from Wal-mart, the car in front of me needs to completely stop to turn left while waiting for oncoming traffic, so what does the person behind me do? He fucking lays on his horn. Sorry I avoided a collision! Assholes and bitches everywhere today.

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