well this past week has been great. a nice long awaited break. went to big bear and saw a bunch of people i havnt seen in years. shit, time go by fast when your out of highschool. i miss all those people, and the good times we had.
arizona was lots of fun too. i sure am happy to hear that ryans moving to california, even if it is for just a semester.
we can jam all the time now......... good eye sniper..... aw look at T. too cute
wanna hear somehting that sucks. mon night when i left to go home i drove 2 hours stopped to fill up and found out i didnt have any money in my checking account. shazbot!. so i gathered my change and one dollar bills together to get 9 dollars worth of gas to get back to arizona. what a waste of 30 bucks and 4 hours. thats the last time i go crazy buying clothes and dont stop to check how much money i actually have. duh. i feel like an ass
im gonna miss all my cousins out in az. its just 5 hours away, but it feels more distant than it should
good news is that i got a's in my clases for the summer, hooray. 9 more months to go and i can say F U school, im out.