Aug 17, 2006 13:46
so some thing very bad happened last night, and it is time for a velta vent fest.
so i have a manager and an assistant manager. our manager changed last week so our new manager is named sean and he is a gay man from the east coast of canada. my assistant manager is named nick and he is from london.
i always joke around with nick. he is always walking around talking to people, going into their shops and having convos and what not, but he never really comes into my shop and chat with diana and i. so i bug him about that all the time saying "why dont you come and talk with me? seriously nick i'm starting to think that you dont like me" and whatnot. so we are always joking around with eachother.
last night i was moved from my shop (see prev post to see pic) to the island outside to cover craig for his dinner break. nick walks by and stops to chat for a bit. i start joking around with him again about what he does as an assistant manager. i as him what he does. i said "so nick, what is it that you do really? i mean all i see you do is walk around talk to people and drink coffee" and he jokes back and sais "thats not all that i do. every hour on the hour sean and i go to the elevator shaft and do the macarana. you should come. 5 minutes, be there." excetra excetra. so we roled with the joke, and every time he came back we built on it. i kept asking "so what do you do then? 'come on tell me nick, why sos secretive?" and crystal said "dude, hes not telling you because he does nothing!" bla bla bla. eventually he listed off a bunch of things that he does, forms and what not. i asked some questions and that was the end of it.
at the end of the night the team always gathers in the jewlary stor and ahs a meeting. sean started off the meeting by saying " so i have an announcement to make. a comment was made tonight by somone and they said that all they think i do is walk around talking to people and drinking coffee. and to that person i would like to say that i work just as hard as all of you, and if they have a problem with me they can come at 8 in the moring and help me pull tables for deck sale, and stay until 2 helping me with paper work" yadda yadda yadda. needless to say he was pissed. and i couldn't beleive it! i had NO idea that nick took that comment personally, and took it personally enough to tell sean and get me in shit. i was on good standing. in 2 weeks of being on the ship i had 4 good name comments on the guest commetn cards, i KNOW i have more for last week, and i WILL have more for this week. i work hard and im sure he had no complaints. now he hates me. i have to go and talk to nick and tell him it was a pure joke and that i really don't feel that way at all, i was just laughing about it and that i had no idea he took it so personally. and then i have to go and talk to sean and tell him the same thing. i have to correct a situation that wasn't even a situation. i said something innocently and i am now fucked. i will have to do deck sale every week, i will have to do showcase all the time, and garbage too.
this sucks because i felt that sean had a problem with me from the beginning, i dont know why it was just a feeling. and knowing gay guys it will take a while for this grudge to go away and for him to forgive me for something that i didnt even do. FUCK.
i have learned a very valuable lesson. dont trust anyone on the boat, and dont form relationships with management. keep you thoughts to yourself (no matter how innocent) and feel people out before you say anything at all. keep quite and do you job and don't be noticed. i hate deception, but thats how it is here. don't get me wrong i love it and am having fun. i wouldn't cahnge my desission. im just complaining about the rediculusness of this situation. i have to be very un-velta-like. but thats ok for a few months
so thats all i have to say about that. let me know what you think about it.
im out