i ate fresh alaskan king crab last week. i didnt post it because i kept forgetting. but yeah. thats right mom (and all other seafood lovers) and it was good. so i'm trying to make you jelous you and your "guess what we're having tonight for dinner velta" so HA! in your face :P look at THIS!!!
filipe and ann-marie at the crab place, i took the photo btw, so BOO YA :P
also, the ship leaks . . . its kinda scary to get to your cabin area and to see sea water entering from outside. but like a very wise sailor said when i was freaking out "as long as the water is going down your fine". but its still kinda not so good . . . meh! im alive, thats good!
so sad story (but with a happy ending so its ok to tell it). i went out to buy souveneers for all my peeps back home, and found one for each person. i won't reveal what these presents are because you all read this page. but i degress. we sell a bunch of this stuff on the ship in the store that i work in, this includes something called an ulu knife. the ulu is the traditional knife of alaska that the inuits used to cut whale blubber and whatnot. SO. knowing that i figured that since its cheeper on land to buy the ulu i would buy it on land not thinking about the fact that its a weapon and should be confiscated. so i buy it. go on the ship. put my bag though the scanner. nothing. i go to my cabin, put it away for when i will send it. i leave the boat with it in my bag. nothing. get on. nothing. yadda yadda. then i get to ketchikan and want to send it. i leave. nothing. but when i get to the post office its apperently not a post office its a sudo-post office that only send stuff to the states. so i have to go back on teh boat to put my stuff away. i go on the boat. put my bag in the scanner. nothing. i go to pick up my bag and the ulu falls out. i take it. out it back in my bag. and leave. security yells after me. they confiscate my ulu and told me that i could only get it when i disembark (which will be in 5 months). so i go back to my room and cry. i mean not about that but it was just the straw that broke the camels back you know? there was so much pilling up and i just need to get it out. so i did. but i was still sad about it and all. i mean whats the point in getting an alaskan souveneer when im in south america? buuuut meh. so i go and tell this story to my internet buddy filipe since he was the first person i saw after "the inccedent" and he said he would talk to security for me and see if he could fix the situation for me. and he did, so YAY. in juneau i get to send out my packages including the ulu!!!!!!!!!! WAAA HOO, so even my dad will get his persent.
filipe and me in the sitka library last week . . . i am in sitka now . . . wow dejavous
artzi photo of the dock in sitka
the "couples". from left to right: nick, kim, crystal, craig, marra, and rodger. see pervious post about drama.
well i think thats about it for me right now. i'll be on again in a few days. hopefully we will get a sunny hubbard glacier and i will get to take pics for you all!!!!
write soon ;)