Title: Arethia- The Miracle
10fan_ryuu_hsjPairing(s): Various
Rating: PG-15
Genre: Romance,Fluff,Fantasy,Semi-Violence,Semi-Angst
Summary: Five very different boys get pulled into a alternate, mystical world, Arethia, with five very different girls. Together, they embark a journey to find a way back to Earth, and help Arethia live. Will they manage to get
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Well...Water is liquidy and flows throughout anywhere it can reach, sorta like our mind sets on our path. Water can be warm, hot, cold, etc; so it can change, just like our emotions. But water can be lucid, not be able to control itself if it doesn't settle. Still, for it to be stable it needs something to rely on, like us to our friends.
Ice now is firm and stays where it is. It is cold, and being cold we sometimes refer to "sadness". But since it is firm, it can hold its ground, like we are brave or courageous. Once water fills the cracks and freezes, it's there, not being able to move, just stay cool. The disadvantages of ice, though, make it hard. Ice can expand, making it's surrounding to break and crack when it was just so comfortable in its so called "home." Ice also melts under heat. Like when a person is sensitive, you can say they "melt" under the "pressure."
This sure is tough, ne? Mmm, anything to with it? o.o hail? LOL, I guess I like them both equally but... I guess I like..... UUUGHH THIS IS SO HARD TO CHOOSE FROOOOOOOOOM~! Lemme think =-=
Thank you for applying, deary. (:
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